GBIF Download Trends
See how gbif occurrence downloads have trended over time based on the species or group downloaded.
If you can't find a species or group it might not have been downloaded or was downloaded less than 25 times.
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Abies alba total: 108
Abies balsamea total: 30
Abies concolor total: 32
Abies guatemalensis total: 46
Abies hickelii total: 66
Abies pinsapo total: 225
Abies religiosa total: 75
Abra scarlatoi total: 59
Abronia graminea total: 33
Abronia taeniata total: 27
Abrus precatorius total: 45
Abudefduf troschelii total: 36
Aburria jacutinga total: 27
Abutilon theophrasti total: 31
Acacia auriculiformis total: 36
Acacia dealbata total: 82
Acacia longifolia total: 71
Acacia mangium total: 45
Acacia mearnsii total: 113
Acacia melanoxylon total: 69
Acacia saligna total: 72
Acanthophora spicifera total: 35
Acanthostracion quadricornis total: 32
Acanthus mollis total: 29
Accipiter cooperi total: 64
Accipiter gentilis total: 56
Accipiter striatus total: 52
Acer campestre total: 46
Acer monspessulanum total: 26
Acer negundo total: 69
Acer platanoides total: 44
Acer pseudoplatanus total: 47
Acer rubrum total: 128
Acer saccharum total: 31
Achillea millefolium total: 74
Acinonyx jubatus total: 68
Acridotheres tristis total: 92
Acropora cervicornis total: 39
Acropora palmata total: 42
Acrostichum aureum total: 29
Actinemys marmorata total: 29
Actinidia chinensis total: 27
Adansonia digitata total: 181
Adansonia grandidieri total: 26
Adoxa moschatellina total: 50
Aedes aegypti total: 267
Aedes albopictus total: 157
Aegypius monachus total: 34
Aepyceros melampus total: 27
Afzelia africana total: 46
Agalychnis callidryas total: 63
Agalychnis moreletii total: 49
Agave americana total: 68
Agave angustifolia total: 28
Agave salmiana total: 49
Agave tequilana total: 33
Ageratina adenophora total: 76
Ageratum conyzoides total: 37
Agkistrodon bilineatus total: 29
Agkistrodon contortrix total: 42
Agrilus planipennis total: 41
Agrostis barceloi total: 26
Agrostis capillaris total: 33
Agrostis stolonifera total: 61
Ailanthus altissima total: 125
Ailuropoda melanoleuca total: 86
Ailurus fulgens total: 68
Aix sponsa total: 31
Alcedo atthis total: 26
Alces alces total: 100
Alces americanus total: 33
Alectoris chukar total: 37
Algyroides marchi total: 250
Alliaria petiolata total: 65
Alligator mississippiensis total: 26
Allium ampeloprasum total: 30
Allium rouyi total: 28
Allium scorodoprasum total: 39
Alnus acuminata total: 58
Alnus alnobetula total: 32
Alnus glutinosa total: 64
Alopochen aegyptiaca total: 38
Alouatta belzebul total: 34
Alouatta caraya total: 53
Alouatta guariba total: 28
Alouatta palliata total: 115
Alouatta pigra total: 76
Alouatta seniculus total: 92
Alternanthera philoxeroides total: 81
Amandinea punctata total: 27
Amanita muscaria total: 52
Amaranthus caudatus total: 29
Amaranthus palmeri total: 42
Amaranthus retroflexus total: 33
Amazilia beryllina total: 32
Amazilia tzacatl total: 27
Amazona aestiva total: 31
Amazona finschi total: 37
Amazona viridigenalis total: 30
Amblypharyngodon mola total: 63
Ambrosia artemisiifolia total: 65
Ambrosia polystachya total: 71
Ambrosia trifida total: 35
Ambystoma altamirani total: 30
Ambystoma maculatum total: 43
Ambystoma mavortium total: 28
Ambystoma mexicanum total: 142
Ambystoma opacum total: 28
Ambystoma tigrinum total: 54
Ambystoma velasci total: 45
Ameiurus melas total: 39
Ameiva ameiva total: 28
Ameiva auberi total: 31
Amelanchier ovalis total: 29
Ammi majus total: 37
Ammodramus savannarum total: 31
Ammospermophilus interpres total: 31
Ammospermophilus leucurus total: 36
Ammotragus lervia total: 29
Anacardium occidentale total: 37
Anacyclus valentinus total: 35
Anadenanthera colubrina total: 92
Ananas comosus total: 34
Anas acuta total: 64
Anas americana total: 26
Anas clypeata total: 45
Anas cyanoptera total: 36
Anas discors total: 39
Anas platyrhynchos total: 115
Anas strepera total: 48
Anaxyrus punctatus total: 46
Androcymbium psammophilum total: 67
Andropogon gayanus total: 38
Andropogon gerardii total: 28
Andryala agardhii total: 29
Anemone nemorosa total: 33
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus total: 42
Anolis carolinensis total: 39
Anolis nebulosus total: 32
Anolis sagrei total: 108
Anopheles arabiensis total: 27
Anopheles gambiae total: 105
Anoplolepis gracilipes total: 28
Anoplophora glabripennis total: 39
Anoura geoffroyi total: 68
Anredera cordifolia total: 27
Anthonomus grandis total: 26
Anthoxanthum odoratum total: 29
Anthyllis vulneraria total: 31
Antilocapra americana total: 107
Antirrhinum charidemi total: 28
Antrozous pallidus total: 53
Aonyx capensis total: 30
Aphelocoma ultramarina total: 30
Aphis gossypii total: 94
Apis mellifera total: 193
Apodemus flavicollis total: 29
Apodemus sylvaticus total: 37
Aporia crataegi total: 27
Aptenodytes forsteri total: 38
Apteryx owenii total: 222
Aquila adalberti total: 28
Aquila chrysaetos total: 211
Ara ambiguus total: 52
Ara ararauna total: 39
Ara macao total: 128
Ara militaris total: 147
Arabidopsis arenosa total: 34
Arabidopsis thaliana total: 69
Arachis hypogaea total: 36
Aratinga holochlora total: 30
Araucaria angustifolia total: 87
Araucaria araucana total: 50
Arbutus unedo total: 43
Archilochus colubris total: 45
Arctium minus total: 30
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi total: 48
Ardea alba total: 101
Ardea herodias total: 40
Arenaria nevadensis total: 42
Argentina anserina total: 27
Armeria colorata total: 44
Arnica montana total: 27
Artemisia tridentata total: 43
Arthonia radiata total: 31
Artibeus jamaicensis total: 85
Artibeus lituratus total: 72
Arundo donax total: 112
Arvicola amphibius total: 30
Asclepias curassavica total: 43
Asclepias syriaca total: 37
Asclepias tuberosa total: 26
Asio flammeus total: 47
Aspidoscelis tigris total: 46
Asplenium monanthes total: 87
Asplenium septentrionale total: 35
Asplenium trichomanes total: 34
Asterias amurensis total: 30
Ateles belzebuth total: 47
Ateles fusciceps total: 50
Ateles geoffroyi total: 121
Ateles hybridus total: 53
Atelocynus microtis total: 29
Atelopus ignescens total: 35
Atelopus varius total: 26
Atlapetes pileatus total: 34
Atta cephalotes total: 38
Atthis heloisa total: 36
Aulacorhynchus prasinus total: 42
Austrocedrus chilensis total: 29
Avicennia germinans total: 70
Avicennia marina total: 55
Axis axis total: 51
Azadirachta indica total: 37
Azolla caroliniana total: 43
Azolla filiculoides total: 55
Bactris gasipaes total: 37
Baiomys taylori total: 40
Balaenoptera musculus total: 90
Balaenoptera physalus total: 64
Balantiopteryx plicata total: 36
Bambusa vulgaris total: 30
Barbastella barbastellus total: 30
Barisia imbricata total: 48
Basiliscus vittatus total: 29
Bassariscus astutus total: 114
Bassariscus sumichrasti total: 35
Bellis perennis total: 27
Bemisia tabaci total: 39
Berberis thunbergii total: 37
Bertholletia excelsa total: 56
Betula nana total: 37
Betula pendula total: 114
Betula pubescens total: 28
Betula utilis total: 26
Bidens pilosa total: 41
Bison bison total: 79
Blastocerus dichotomus total: 28
Boa constrictor total: 74
Boiga irregularis total: 48
Bombus affinis total: 55
Bombus bohemicus total: 40
Bombus fraternus total: 26
Bombus griseocollis total: 29
Bombus huntii total: 26
Bombus impatiens total: 64
Bombus occidentalis total: 64
Bombus pensylvanicus total: 30
Bombus terrestris total: 57
Bombus terricola total: 39
Bombus vosnesenskii total: 46
Bombycilla cedrorum total: 28
Botaurus lentiginosus total: 26
Bothriechis aurifer total: 39
Bothriechis schlegelii total: 38
Bothrops asper total: 108
Bothrops atrox total: 45
Botrychium lunaria total: 32
Botrychium matricariifolium total: 67
Botrychium simplex total: 29
Brachiaria eminii total: 29
Bradypus variegatus total: 151
Branta canadensis total: 55
Brassica oleracea total: 28
Brassica tournefortii total: 30
Bromeliohyla dendroscarta total: 39
Bromus hordeaceus total: 31
Bromus inermis total: 39
Bromus tectorum total: 54
Brosimum alicastrum total: 44
Bubo scandiacus total: 45
Bubo virginianus total: 63
Bubulcus ibis total: 79
Bucephala clangula total: 31
Buddleja davidii total: 40
Bufo bufo total: 48
Bursera simaruba total: 66
Buteo albonotatus total: 32
Buteo buteo total: 32
Buteo jamaicensis total: 89
Buteo lineatus total: 51
Buteo platypterus total: 34
Buteo swainsoni total: 50
Buteogallus anthracinus total: 35
Buxus balearica total: 45
Buxus sempervirens total: 36
Byrsonima crassifolia total: 34
Cabassous centralis total: 32
Cabomba caroliniana total: 58
Caesalpinia echinata total: 30
Caiman crocodilus total: 26
Cairina moschata total: 29
Cakile maritima total: 27
Calidris canutus total: 52
Calidris pusilla total: 28
Callinectes sapidus total: 32
Callipepla squamata total: 59
Callithrix geoffroyi total: 40
Callithrix jacchus total: 38
Callospermophilus lateralis total: 32
Calluna vulgaris total: 49
Calophyllum brasiliense total: 26
Calotropis procera total: 30
Caluromys derbianus total: 39
Camellia sinensis total: 28
Campephilus magellanicus total: 28
Canis aureus total: 37
Canis latrans total: 333
Canis lupus total: 877
Cannabis sativa total: 51
Capra hircus total: 34
Capra ibex total: 29
Capreolus capreolus total: 45
Caprimulgus europaeus total: 26
Capsella bursa-pastoris total: 31
Capsicum annuum total: 53
Caracal caracal total: 30
Caracara cheriway total: 32
Carapa guianensis total: 28
Carassius auratus total: 39
Carcharhinus leucas total: 39
Carcharodon carcharias total: 128
Carcinus maenas total: 30
Cardellina canadensis total: 36
Cardellina pusilla total: 26
Cardellina rubra total: 49
Cardinalis cardinalis total: 92
Carduus nutans total: 29
Caretta caretta total: 51
Carex lainzii total: 36
Carex pendula total: 46
Carica papaya total: 40
Carnegiea gigantea total: 56
Carollia perspicillata total: 75
Carpinus betulus total: 30
Carpobrotus edulis total: 85
Castanea sativa total: 44
Castor canadensis total: 85
Castor fiber total: 45
Casuarina equisetifolia total: 50
Cathartes aura total: 81
Catharus ustulatus total: 31
Caulerpa taxifolia total: 52
Cavanillesia umbellata total: 63
Cebus capucinus total: 30
Cecropia peltata total: 30
Cedrela fissilis total: 34
Cedrela odorata total: 155
Cedrus atlantica total: 28
Ceiba pentandra total: 112
Ceiba speciosa total: 33
Celastrus orbiculatus total: 45
Cenchrus americanus total: 30
Cenchrus ciliaris total: 74
Cenchrus clandestinus total: 45
Cenchrus purpureus total: 28
Cenchrus setaceus total: 35
Centaurea diffusa total: 26
Centaurea lainzii total: 34
Centaurea solstitialis total: 37
Centaurea stoebe total: 35
Centrocercus urophasianus total: 38
Centronycteris centralis total: 30
Centurio senex total: 52
Cephalocereus senilis total: 32
Ceratitis capitata total: 64
Ceratonia siliqua total: 33
Ceratotherium simum total: 42
Cerdocyon thous total: 55
Cereus jamacaru total: 28
Ceroxylon quindiuense total: 49
Cervus elaphus total: 162
Cervus nippon total: 35
Ceryle torquata total: 27
Cestrum roseum total: 29
Chamaerops humilis total: 48
Charadrahyla chaneque total: 26
Charadrius melodus total: 27
Chelonia mydas total: 140
Chelonoidis denticulatus total: 30
Chelydra serpentina total: 26
Chenopodium album total: 60
Chenopodium quinoa total: 38
Chironectes minimus total: 49
Chlorospingus flavopectus total: 26
Choeroniscus godmani total: 32
Choeronycteris mexicana total: 83
Choloepus didactylus total: 29
Choloepus hoffmanni total: 83
Chromolaena odorata total: 87
Chrotopterus auritus total: 37
Chrysemys picta total: 55
Chrysocyon brachyurus total: 100
Cichorium intybus total: 34
Ciconia ciconia total: 36
Cicuta virosa total: 26
Cinchona pubescens total: 30
Cinnamomum effusum total: 48
Circus cyaneus total: 50
Cirsium arvense total: 73
Cirsium vulgare total: 75
Cistus albidus total: 48
Citrullus lanatus total: 35
Citrus aurantium total: 54
Citrus limon total: 33
Clethra alcoceri total: 48
Clidemia hirta total: 36
Coccyzus americanus total: 26
Cocos nucifera total: 35
Codium fragile total: 46
Coffea arabica total: 91
Colibri coruscans total: 32
Colibri thalassinus total: 79
Colinus virginianus total: 47
Columba livia total: 76
Columbina inca total: 28
Conepatus leuconotus total: 57
Conepatus semistriatus total: 41
Conocarpus erectus total: 54
Coragyps atratus total: 49
Cordia alliodora total: 29
Cornu aspersum total: 36
Cornus florida total: 32
Cornus sericea total: 33
Coronella austriaca total: 42
Cortaderia selloana total: 56
Corvus corax total: 49
Corvus frugilegus total: 26
Corvus splendens total: 39
Corylus avellana total: 62
Corynorhinus mexicanus total: 41
Corynorhinus townsendii total: 54
Cota tinctoria total: 38
Crassadoma gigantea total: 48
Cratogeomys fumosus total: 31
Crax rubra total: 43
Crocodylus acutus total: 120
Crocodylus moreletii total: 73
Crocodylus niloticus total: 27
Crocodylus porosus total: 33
Crocuta crocuta total: 69
Crotalus aquilus total: 56
Crotalus atrox total: 118
Crotalus basiliscus total: 53
Crotalus cerastes total: 32
Crotalus durissus total: 72
Crotalus enyo total: 27
Crotalus horridus total: 53
Crotalus intermedius total: 27
Crotalus lepidus total: 50
Crotalus molossus total: 123
Crotalus oreganus total: 41
Crotalus polystictus total: 38
Crotalus pricei total: 30
Crotalus ravus total: 53
Crotalus ruber total: 34
Crotalus scutulatus total: 43
Crotalus triseriatus total: 51
Crotalus viridis total: 33
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis total: 50
Cryptostegia grandiflora total: 32
Cryptotis mexicana total: 35
Cryptotis parva total: 42
Ctenosaura pectinata total: 49
Culcita macrocarpa total: 29
Culex pipiens total: 45
Culex quinquefasciatus total: 36
Cuniculus paca total: 115
Cupressus lusitanica total: 72
Cupressus sempervirens total: 26
Cyanocorax dickeyi total: 26
Cyathea firma total: 29
Cyclopes didactylus total: 66
Cygnus olor total: 52
Cynanthus latirostris total: 32
Cynodon dactylon total: 85
Cynomys ludovicianus total: 49
Cynomys mexicanus total: 131
Cyperus rotundus total: 85
Cyprinus carpio total: 74
Cyrtonyx montezumae total: 26
Cystopteris montana total: 34
Cytisus scoparius total: 71
Dactylis glomerata total: 72
Dama dama total: 42
Danaus plexippus total: 283
Dasyprocta mexicana total: 26
Dasyprocta punctata total: 53
Dasypus novemcinctus total: 243
Datura stramonium total: 80
Daucus carota total: 51
Delphinapterus leucas total: 61
Dendrobates auratus total: 30
Dendrobates truncatus total: 29
Dendrocopos major total: 27
Dendroctonus ponderosae total: 27
Dendrocygna autumnalis total: 46
Dendropanax arboreus total: 29
Dendropsophus microcephalus total: 28
Dermanura tolteca total: 34
Dermochelys coriacea total: 100
Desmodus rotundus total: 161
Diabrotica undecimpunctata total: 30
Diadophis punctatus total: 29
Diaemus youngi total: 30
Diaglena spatulata total: 53
Diceros bicornis total: 51
Dicksonia sellowiana total: 26
Diclidurus albus total: 45
Didelphis marsupialis total: 133
Didelphis virginiana total: 115
Digitonthophagus gazella total: 68
Dinomys branickii total: 29
Diphasiastrum alpinum total: 27
Diphasiastrum tristachyum total: 26
Diphylla ecaudata total: 42
Dipodomys merriami total: 44
Dipodomys ordii total: 36
Dipodomys phillipsii total: 31
Dipsosaurus dorsalis total: 31
Dipteryx oleifera total: 34
Discoglossus pictus total: 40
Dodonaea viscosa total: 49
Donax asper total: 53
Donax dentifer total: 45
Donax punctatostriatus total: 44
Doricha eliza total: 39
Dracaena draco total: 26
Dreissena polymorpha total: 90
Dromiciops gliroides total: 32
Drosera rotundifolia total: 29
Drosophila suzukii total: 33
Dryas octopetala total: 37
Duttaphrynus melanostictus total: 31
Dysphania ambrosioides total: 27
Echinocactus platyacanthus total: 28
Echinochloa crus-galli total: 86
Ecnomiohyla miotympanum total: 28
Egeria densa total: 45
Egretta caerulea total: 31
Egretta garzetta total: 28
Egretta thula total: 30
Egretta tricolor total: 32
Eichhornia crassipes total: 187
Eira barbara total: 83
Elaeagnus angustifolia total: 28
Elaeis guineensis total: 54
Elanus leucurus total: 35
Eleocharis multicaulis total: 27
Elephas maximus total: 142
Eleutherodactylus johnstonei total: 40
Eleutherodactylus planirostris total: 29
Elodea canadensis total: 41
Elodea nuttallii total: 40
Elymus repens total: 31
Elysia diomedea total: 32
Empidonax traillii total: 30
Emys orbicularis total: 46
Enchisthenes hartii total: 29
Enhydra lutris total: 45
Enterolobium cyclocarpum total: 27
Ephedra altissima total: 31
Ephedra distachya total: 38
Ephedra fragilis total: 108
Epidalea calamita total: 34
Epomops franqueti total: 35
Eptesicus brasiliensis total: 28
Eptesicus furinalis total: 30
Eptesicus fuscus total: 81
Eptesicus serotinus total: 124
Equisetum arvense total: 37
Equisetum fluviatile total: 38
Equus quagga total: 40
Eremophila alpestris total: 28
Eretmochelys imbricata total: 65
Erigeron bonariensis total: 44
Erigeron canadensis total: 45
Erigeron sumatrensis total: 26
Erinaceus europaeus total: 55
Eriocheir sinensis total: 88
Eriogonum umbellatum total: 31
Eschrichtius robustus total: 66
Eschscholzia californica total: 27
Esox lucius total: 185
Estrilda astrild total: 26
Eucalyptus camaldulensis total: 27
Eucalyptus globulus total: 58
Euderma maculatum total: 29
Eugenia xalapensis total: 46
Eumops perotis total: 29
Euphorbia peplis total: 28
Euphorbia tithymaloides total: 48
Euterpe edulis total: 40
Euterpe oleracea total: 37
Euterpe precatoria total: 48
Fagus sylvatica total: 133
Falco femoralis total: 42
Falco mexicanus total: 28
Falco peregrinus total: 155
Falco sparverius total: 61
Falco tinnunculus total: 30
Felis catus total: 30
Felis silvestris total: 83
Festuca rubra total: 61
Ficus carica total: 32
Ficus insipida total: 26
Ficus petiolaris total: 27
Fitzroya cupressoides total: 33
Fragaria vesca total: 53
Frangula alnus total: 41
Fratercula arctica total: 37
Fraxinus excelsior total: 43
Fregata magnificens total: 26
Fringilla coelebs total: 48
Fucus vesiculosus total: 27
Furnarius rufus total: 42
Gadus morhua total: 136
Galanthus nivalis total: 28
Galeocerdo cuvier total: 35
Galerida cristata total: 26
Galictis cuja total: 32
Galictis vittata total: 55
Galium viridiflorum total: 33
Gallinula chloropus total: 36
Gambusia affinis total: 54
Gambusia holbrooki total: 33
Garrulus glandarius total: 27
Gastrotheca riobambae total: 73
Gavia immer total: 28
Gazella subgutturosa total: 27
Gekko gecko total: 27
Genetta genetta total: 32
Genipa americana total: 32
Genista linifolia total: 30
Genista monspessulana total: 34
Geothlypis speciosa total: 29
Geothlypis tolmiei total: 33
Geranium dolomiticum total: 35
Ginglymostoma cirratum total: 26
Ginkgo biloba total: 39
Giraffa camelopardalis total: 261
Glaucidium brasilianum total: 30
Glaucomys volans total: 63
Glossophaga commissarisi total: 26
Glossophaga morenoi total: 31
Glossophaga soricina total: 88
Glycine max total: 50
Glycymeris gigantea total: 42
Glyphonycteris sylvestris total: 28
Gopherus flavomarginatus total: 34
Gopherus morafkai total: 40
Gorilla beringei total: 26
Gorilla gorilla total: 60
Gossypium hirsutum total: 29
Grus canadensis total: 50
Grus grus total: 29
Guadua angustifolia total: 28
Guaiacum sanctum total: 33
Guazuma ulmifolia total: 37
Gulo gulo total: 75
Gymnogyps californianus total: 67
Gymnosporia senegalensis total: 42
Gypaetus barbatus total: 73
Gyps coprotheres total: 33
Gyps fulvus total: 167
Habromys chinanteco total: 94
Haemorhous mexicanus total: 60
Haliaeetus albicilla total: 36
Haliaeetus leucocephalus total: 83
Halyomorpha halys total: 67
Hamearis lucina total: 26
Handroanthus chrysanthus total: 55
Handroanthus impetiginosum total: 35
Harmonia axyridis total: 108
Harpia harpyja total: 122
Hedychium coronarium total: 28
Hedychium gardnerianum total: 31
Helianthus annuus total: 183
Heloderma horridum total: 64
Heloderma suspectum total: 38
Hemidactylus frenatus total: 86
Hemidactylus mabouia total: 90
Hemidactylus turcicus total: 31
Hepatica nobilis total: 26
Heracleum mantegazzianum total: 54
Heteromys desmarestianus total: 37
Hevea brasiliensis total: 35
Hippophae rhamnoides total: 39
Hippopotamus amphibius total: 47
Hirundo rustica total: 72
Holcus lanatus total: 32
Hordeum jubatum total: 27
Hordeum murinum total: 35
Hordeum vulgare total: 47
Hormathophylla reverchonii total: 28
Humulus lupulus total: 39
Hyaena hyaena total: 28
Hydrilla verticillata total: 42
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris total: 99
Hydroprogne caspia total: 43
Hyla arborea total: 33
Hyla arenicolor total: 33
Hyla eximia total: 52
Hyla plicata total: 47
Hylocharis leucotis total: 31
Hylonycteris underwoodi total: 30
Hymenaea courbaril total: 45
Hymenophyllum tunbrigense total: 32
Hypericum perforatum total: 46
Hyphantria cunea total: 26
Hypolytrum pulchrum total: 35
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix total: 31
Hypsiboas raniceps total: 26
Hypsignathus monstrosus total: 31
Ichthyosaura alpestris total: 31
Ictalurus punctatus total: 27
Iguana iguana total: 125
Ilex aquifolium total: 51
Impatiens glandulifera total: 68
Imperata brasiliensis total: 77
Imperata cylindrica total: 54
Incilius occidentalis total: 43
Incilius valliceps total: 26
Inia geoffrensis total: 81
Ipomoea batatas total: 37
Iriartea deltoidea total: 40
Iris pseudacorus total: 31
Irvingia gabonensis total: 27
Ischnura elegans total: 28
Isoetes longissima total: 41
Isolepis fluitans total: 29
Ixodes ricinus total: 28
Ixodes scapularis total: 73
Jabiru mycteria total: 26
Jacaranda mimosifolia total: 27
Jacobaea vulgaris total: 33
Jatropha curcas total: 32
Juglans regia total: 42
Juncus capitatus total: 28
Juncus triglumis total: 29
Juniperus cedrus total: 32
Juniperus communis total: 52
Juniperus oxycedrus total: 156
Juniperus phoenicea total: 75
Juniperus thurifera total: 42
Juniperus virginiana total: 27
Justicia adscendens total: 86
Kalanchoe pinnata total: 31
Khaya senegalensis total: 39
Kinosternon integrum total: 32
Lacerta agilis total: 50
Lactarius indigo total: 47
Lactuca serriola total: 31
Laelia anceps total: 33
Laelia speciosa total: 40
Lagarosiphon major total: 26
Lagopus muta total: 28
Lagothrix lagothricha total: 52
Laguncularia racemosa total: 58
Lama glama total: 46
Lampronycteris brachyotis total: 28
Lampropeltis triangulum total: 29
Lanius ludovicianus total: 36
Lantana camara total: 195
Larrea tridentata total: 187
Larrea tridentata total: 39
Lasionycteris noctivagans total: 27
Lasiurus blossevillii total: 38
Lasiurus borealis total: 36
Lasiurus cinereus total: 73
Lasiurus ega total: 30
Lasiurus intermedius total: 28
Latrodectus mactans total: 29
Laurus nobilis total: 39
Leiothlypis ruficapilla total: 30
Leiothrix lutea total: 38
Lemur catta total: 41
Lens culinaris total: 45
Leontocebus fuscicollis total: 29
Leontopodium nivale total: 36
Leopardus colocolo total: 43
Leopardus geoffroyi total: 28
Leopardus pardalis total: 434
Leopardus tigrinus total: 90
Leopardus wiedii total: 275
Lepidium latifolium total: 30
Lepidium meyenii total: 27
Lepidochelys kempii total: 38
Lepidochelys olivacea total: 114
Leptailurus serval total: 26
Leptinotarsa decemlineata total: 34
Leptodactylus fuscus total: 44
Leptonycteris curasoae total: 54
Leptonycteris nivalis total: 99
Leptonycteris yerbabuenae total: 115
Lepus americanus total: 50
Lepus californicus total: 40
Lepus callotis total: 26
Lepus europaeus total: 76
Lepus flavigularis total: 32
Lepus timidus total: 102
Leucaena leucocephala total: 128
Leucanthemum vulgare total: 27
Ligustrum lucidum total: 43
Limonium majus total: 28
Limonium perezii total: 26
Limosa limosa total: 47
Linaria pedunculata total: 26
Linepithema humile total: 38
Linnaea borealis total: 44
Liomys irroratus total: 27
Liquidambar styraciflua total: 28
Lissachatina fulica total: 120
Lithobates catesbeianus total: 306
Lithobates montezumae total: 39
Lithobates pipiens total: 35
Lithobates sylvaticus total: 40
Lolium multiflorum total: 41
Lolium perenne total: 31
Lonchorhina aurita total: 30
Lonchura malacca total: 28
Lonicera japonica total: 79
Lonicera maackii total: 31
Lontra canadensis total: 59
Lontra longicaudis total: 173
Lophophora williamsii total: 58
Lophornis brachylophus total: 26
Lotus corniculatus total: 49
Loxia curvirostra total: 28
Loxodonta africana total: 216
Luronium natans total: 36
Lutra lutra total: 88
Luzula spicata total: 32
Lycalopex culpaeus total: 96
Lycalopex gymnocercus total: 60
Lycaon pictus total: 113
Lycium ferocissimum total: 41
Lycopodiella inundata total: 31
Lymantria dispar total: 66
Lynx canadensis total: 83
Lynx lynx total: 105
Lynx pardinus total: 137
Lynx rufus total: 256
Lythrum salicaria total: 96
Macaca fascicularis total: 27
Macrocystis pyrifera total: 46
Macrotus waterhousii total: 30
Magallana gigas total: 36
Malus pumila total: 39
Mangifera indica total: 70
Manihot esculenta total: 58
Manilkara zapota total: 28
Manis pentadactyla total: 26
Manta birostris total: 35
Marmosa mexicana total: 52
Marsilea strigosa total: 93
Martes martes total: 34
Martes zibellina total: 30
Mauritia flexuosa total: 51
Mazama americana total: 85
Mazama gouazoubira total: 26
Mazama temama total: 43
Medicago polymorpha total: 36
Medicago sativa total: 50
Megaptera novaeangliae total: 52
Megaptera novaeangliae total: 39
Melaleuca quinquenervia total: 50
Melanerpes formicivorus total: 46
Meleagris gallopavo total: 59
Meleagris gallopavo total: 44
Meles meles total: 82
Melia azedarach total: 61
Melinis minutiflora total: 47
Melinis repens total: 53
Meliosma alba total: 54
Melospiza melodia total: 34
Mephitis macroura total: 45
Mephitis mephitis total: 38
Mergus merganser total: 27
Mergus serrator total: 29
Miconia calvescens total: 49
Micropterus salmoides total: 73
Microtus californicus total: 27
Microtus mexicanus total: 34
Microtus quasiater total: 28
Micrurus laticollaris total: 48
Mikania micrantha total: 168
Milvus migrans total: 27
Milvus milvus total: 48
Mimosa diplotricha total: 28
Mimosa pigra total: 73
Mimosa pudica total: 36
Mimus polyglottos total: 30
Miscanthus sinensis total: 33
Mola mola total: 36
Molossus molossus total: 45
Molossus rufus total: 37
Molothrus ater total: 33
Momotus momota total: 26
Mormoops megalophylla total: 108
Mus musculus total: 89
Musa acuminata total: 27
Musonycteris harrisoni total: 41
Mustela erminea total: 48
Mustela frenata total: 85
Mustela lutreola total: 44
Mustela nigripes total: 38
Mustela nivalis total: 38
Mustela putorius total: 39
Mya arenaria total: 29
Myiopsitta monachus total: 146
Myocastor coypus total: 86
Myodes glareolus total: 27
Myotis albescens total: 31
Myotis californicus total: 48
Myotis evotis total: 28
Myotis grisescens total: 28
Myotis keaysi total: 31
Myotis lucifugus total: 66
Myotis nattereri total: 27
Myotis nigricans total: 47
Myotis planiceps total: 30
Myotis septentrionalis total: 44
Myotis sodalis total: 31
Myotis thysanodes total: 46
Myotis velifer total: 63
Myotis vivesi total: 37
Myotis volans total: 32
Myotis yumanensis total: 44
Myricaria germanica total: 28
Myriophyllum aquaticum total: 54
Myriophyllum spicatum total: 39
Myrmecophaga tridactyla total: 132
Myrtus communis total: 28
Mytilus galloprovincialis total: 41
Narcissus pseudonarcissus total: 137
Nardus stricta total: 28
Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis total: 41
Nasturtium officinale total: 29
Nasua narica total: 131
Nasua nasua total: 49
Natalus mexicanus total: 29
Natalus stramineus total: 28
Natrix natrix total: 72
Neodiprion abietis total: 44
Neofelis nebulosa total: 28
Neogobius melanostomus total: 100
Neophron percnopterus total: 97
Neotoma lepida total: 26
Neotoma mexicana total: 47
Neovison vison total: 122
Nephrolepis cordifolia total: 35
Nicotiana glauca total: 40
Noccaea caerulescens total: 30
Noctilio albiventris total: 28
Noctilio leporinus total: 63
Nolina parviflora total: 48
Nothofagus dombeyi total: 31
Numenius phaeopus total: 32
Nyctalus noctula total: 86
Nyctereutes procyonoides total: 40
Nycticeius humeralis total: 26
Nycticorax nycticorax total: 33
Nyctinomops femorosaccus total: 27
Nyctinomops laticaudatus total: 33
Nyctinomops macrotis total: 47
Nyssa sylvatica total: 35
Ochotona princeps total: 110
Ocotea catharinensis total: 28
Octopus vulgaris total: 38
Odocoileus hemionus total: 129
Odocoileus virginianus total: 400
Oeneis polixenes total: 33
Olea europaea total: 149
Oligoryzomys fulvescens total: 30
Oncorhynchus kisutch total: 30
Oncorhynchus mykiss total: 96
Ondatra zibethicus total: 34
Opegrapha atra total: 56
Ophioglossum lusitanicum total: 29
Ophioglossum vulgatum total: 44
Ophryacus undulatus total: 29
Ophrys apifera total: 51
Ophrys flavicans total: 40
Ophrys insectifera total: 38
Ophrys sphegodes total: 55
Oplismenus undulatifolius total: 68
Opuntia ficus-indica total: 81
Opuntia stricta total: 68
Orcinus orca total: 142
Oreochromis mossambicus total: 50
Oreochromis niloticus total: 113
Oreomunnea mexicana total: 58
Oreophasis derbianus total: 37
Ornithorhynchus anatinus total: 26
Ortalis guttata total: 29
Oryctolagus cuniculus total: 120
Oryza latifolia total: 59
Oryza sativa total: 47
Oryzomys couesi total: 35
Otaria flavescens total: 32
Otiorhynchus urbionensis total: 71
Otospermophilus variegatus total: 35
Ovibos moschatus total: 27
Ovis aries total: 31
Ovis canadensis total: 100
Oxalis pes-caprae total: 32
Oxyura jamaicensis total: 40
Ozotoceros bezoarticus total: 30
Pachyramphus aglaiae total: 26
Pacifastacus leniusculus total: 35
Pan troglodytes total: 61
Pandion haliaetus total: 70
Panicum maximum total: 47
Panicum virgatum total: 34
Panthera leo total: 279
Panthera onca total: 1115
Panthera pardus total: 161
Panthera tigris total: 236
Papilio machaon total: 30
Pappogeomys bulleri total: 31
Parabuteo unicinctus total: 57
Parkia biglobosa total: 66
Parkinsonia aculeata total: 33
Parnassius apollo total: 42
Parthenium hysterophorus total: 54
Parus major total: 44
Passer domesticus total: 232
Passer montanus total: 35
Passerina ciris total: 37
Passiflora edulis total: 36
Patagioenas fasciata total: 30
Pecari tajacu total: 146
Pelophylax ridibundus total: 35
Penelope jacucaca total: 34
Penelope purpurascens total: 34
Perimyotis subflavus total: 35
Peromyscus boylii total: 53
Peromyscus difficilis total: 32
Peromyscus leucopus total: 74
Peromyscus maniculatus total: 107
Peromyscus melanophrys total: 26
Peromyscus melanotis total: 32
Peromyscus mexicanus total: 55
Persea americana total: 87
Petromyzon marinus total: 33
Peumus boldus total: 26
Phalacrocorax carbo total: 39
Phalaris arundinacea total: 44
Pharomachrus mocinno total: 169
Phascolarctos cinereus total: 91
Phaseolus vulgaris total: 84
Phasianus colchicus total: 32
Phegopteris connectilis total: 31
Philander opossum total: 42
Phleum arenarium total: 36
Phocoena phocoena total: 29
Phocoena sinus total: 112
Phoebis philea total: 41
Phoenicopterus chilensis total: 28
Phoenix canariensis total: 27
Phoxinus phoxinus total: 47
Phragmites australis total: 95
Phrynosoma cornutum total: 36
Phrynosoma modestum total: 27
Phrynosoma orbiculare total: 85
Phyllobates terribilis total: 37
Phyllostomus discolor total: 26
Physalia physalis total: 28
Pica pica total: 39
Picea abies total: 73
Picea glauca total: 30
Picea omorika total: 26
Picea sitchensis total: 31
Picoides scalaris total: 61
Picus viridis total: 121
Pieris rapae total: 70
Pilosella officinarum total: 27
Pinus albicaulis total: 35
Pinus ayacahuite total: 50
Pinus caribaea total: 53
Pinus cembroides total: 53
Pinus contorta total: 56
Pinus culminicola total: 32
Pinus devoniana total: 67
Pinus elliottii total: 35
Pinus greggii total: 29
Pinus halepensis total: 168
Pinus hartwegii total: 85
Pinus herrerae total: 26
Pinus jaliscana total: 26
Pinus leiophylla total: 49
Pinus maximartinezii total: 29
Pinus maximinoi total: 27
Pinus montezumae total: 63
Pinus mugo total: 28
Pinus nigra total: 135
Pinus oocarpa total: 41
Pinus patula total: 55
Pinus pinaster total: 131
Pinus pinceana total: 42
Pinus pinea total: 126
Pinus ponderosa total: 43
Pinus pseudostrobus total: 75
Pinus radiata total: 53
Pinus rzedowskii total: 31
Pinus strobiformis total: 35
Pinus strobus total: 57
Pinus sylvestris total: 187
Pinus teocote total: 43
Pinus uncinata total: 94
Pinus wallichiana total: 48
Piper aduncum total: 30
Pipilo ocai total: 28
Pipistrellus pipistrellus total: 27
Piranga rubra total: 30
Pistacia lentiscus total: 52
Pistia stratiotes total: 37
Pisum sativum total: 34
Pitangus sulphuratus total: 45
Pittosporum undulatum total: 50
Pituophis catenifer total: 26
Plantago coronopus total: 26
Plantago lanceolata total: 42
Plantago major total: 72
Plegadis ridgwayi total: 31
Plethodon richmondi total: 39
Plumeria rubra total: 31
Poa alpina total: 27
Poa annua total: 58
Poa pratensis total: 67
Podarcis muralis total: 43
Podiceps auritus total: 29
Podilymbus podiceps total: 30
Podocarpus oleifolius total: 36
Podocarpus parlatorei total: 52
Podocnemis expansa total: 26
Poecilia reticulata total: 54
Pollachius virens total: 59
Polyommatus coridon total: 38
Polyommatus icarus total: 53
Pomacea canaliculata total: 53
Pongo pygmaeus total: 86
Populus balsamifera total: 42
Populus tremula total: 37
Populus tremuloides total: 45
Porphyrio porphyrio total: 30
Porpidia crustulata total: 30
Posidonia oceanica total: 57
Potamopyrgus antipodarum total: 35
Potos flavus total: 58
Priodontes maximus total: 56
Prionace glauca total: 39
Prionailurus bengalensis total: 29
Procambarus clarkii total: 84
Procyon cancrivorus total: 32
Procyon lotor total: 175
Procyon pygmaeus total: 29
Prosopis africana total: 35
Prosopis alba total: 33
Prosopis glandulosa total: 59
Prosopis juliflora total: 83
Prosopis laevigata total: 32
Prosthechea cochleata total: 78
Prosthechea fragrans total: 58
Prosthechea ochracea total: 32
Prosthechea pygmaea total: 40
Protea longifolia total: 42
Protonotaria citrea total: 32
Prunella vulgaris total: 31
Prunus avium total: 42
Prunus dulcis total: 36
Prunus lusitanica total: 40
Prunus persica total: 27
Prunus serotina total: 63
Pseudocolopteryx flaviventris total: 111
Pseudoeurycea bellii total: 42
Pseudoeurycea leprosa total: 39
Pseudorasbora parva total: 36
Pseudotsuga menziesii total: 77
Psidium cattleianum total: 30
Psidium guajava total: 85
Psilotum nudum total: 57
Psittacula krameri total: 138
Pteridium aquilinum total: 48
Pterocarpus erinaceus total: 31
Pterois miles total: 35
Pterois volitans total: 117
Pteronotus davyi total: 51
Pteronotus parnellii total: 75
Pteronotus personatus total: 39
Pteronura brasiliensis total: 107
Puccinellia phryganodes total: 29
Pueraria montana total: 91
Puma concolor total: 835
Puma yagouaroundi total: 178
Pycnonotus cafer total: 34
Pyrocephalus rubinus total: 36
Pyroderus scutatus total: 26
Pyrus bourgaeana total: 52
Python bivittatus total: 32
Quercus acutifolia total: 31
Quercus agrifolia total: 37
Quercus alba total: 34
Quercus canariensis total: 168
Quercus candicans total: 50
Quercus castanea total: 39
Quercus cerris total: 29
Quercus coccifera total: 77
Quercus faginea total: 37
Quercus germana total: 88
Quercus ilex total: 85
Quercus insignis total: 35
Quercus mongolica total: 41
Quercus oleoides total: 39
Quercus petraea total: 50
Quercus pubescens total: 49
Quercus pyrenaica total: 65
Quercus robur total: 184
Quercus rotundifolia total: 27
Quercus rubra total: 39
Quercus rugosa total: 27
Quercus salicifolia total: 27
Quercus suber total: 63
Quercus xalapensis total: 47
Quiscalus mexicanus total: 29
Ramphastos sulfuratus total: 45
Rangifer tarandus total: 116
Rattus norvegicus total: 79
Rattus rattus total: 88
Reithrodontomys fulvescens total: 53
Reithrodontomys megalotis total: 35
Reithrodontomys sumichrasti total: 31
Reynoutria japonica total: 121
Rhamnus cathartica total: 28
Rhamnus lycioides total: 30
Rhincodon typus total: 131
Rhinella marina total: 160
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum total: 73
Rhinophrynus dorsalis total: 28
Rhipicephalus sanguineus total: 31
Rhipidura fuliginosa total: 36
Rhizophora mangle total: 121
Rhodiola rosea total: 30
Rhododendron ponticum total: 54
Rhogeessa tumida total: 27
Rhynchonycteris naso total: 36
Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha total: 27
Ricinus communis total: 162
Robinia pseudoacacia total: 77
Romerolagus diazi total: 199
Rubus adenotrichus total: 41
Rubus ellipticus total: 29
Rubus idaeus total: 32
Rumex acetosella total: 52
Rupicapra rupicapra total: 29
Rupicola peruvianus total: 59
Rusa unicolor total: 30
Saccharum officinarum total: 32
Saccopteryx bilineata total: 35
Sagittaria platyphylla total: 26
Saguinus leucopus total: 39
Saguinus oedipus total: 58
Salamandra salamandra total: 42
Salix babylonica total: 46
Salix caprea total: 26
Salix cinerea total: 37
Salmo salar total: 46
Salmo trutta total: 116
Salvelinus fontinalis total: 30
Salvia hispanica total: 30
Salvia rosmarinus total: 111
Salvinia molesta total: 51
Sambucus nigra total: 26
Sapajus apella total: 43
Sarcoramphus papa total: 38
Sargassum muticum total: 66
Sarracenia purpurea total: 30
Scaphiopus couchii total: 30
Sceloporus formosus total: 47
Sceloporus grammicus total: 64
Sceloporus occidentalis total: 34
Sceloporus torquatus total: 52
Sceloporus variabilis total: 30
Schinus molle total: 40
Scilla litardierei total: 44
Sciurus aureogaster total: 32
Sciurus carolinensis total: 142
Sciurus granatensis total: 45
Sciurus niger total: 51
Sciurus oculatus total: 30
Sciurus vulgaris total: 109
Scolochloa festucacea total: 56
Sechium edule total: 26
Selasphorus platycercus total: 40
Selasphorus rufus total: 30
Sempervivum tectorum total: 32
Senecio inaequidens total: 221
Senecio lividus total: 163
Senecio madagascariensis total: 26
Senecio vulgaris total: 61
Sequoia sempervirens total: 43
Setophaga chrysoparia total: 32
Setophaga coronata total: 40
Setophaga petechia total: 26
Sicyos angulatus total: 35
Sigmodon hispidus total: 41
Silene acaulis total: 35
Silene latifolia total: 27
Sinapis arvensis total: 36
Sistrurus catenatus total: 44
Sitta europaea total: 54
Sitta neumayer total: 42
Smilisca baudinii total: 31
Solanum angustifolium total: 59
Solanum lycopersicum total: 77
Solanum mauritianum total: 26
Solanum tuberosum total: 63
Solenopsis invicta total: 65
Solidago canadensis total: 46
Solidago gigantea total: 27
Sonchus asper total: 60
Sorbus aucuparia total: 57
Sorghum bicolor total: 54
Sorghum halepense total: 39
Sparganium natans total: 62
Spathodea campanulata total: 60
Speothos venaticus total: 70
Speotyto cunicularia total: 67
Speyeria idalia total: 27
Sphagneticola trilobata total: 37
Spheniscus demersus total: 33
Spheniscus humboldti total: 29
Sphyrna lewini total: 45
Sphyrna mokarran total: 40
Spilogale angustifrons total: 26
Spilogale putorius total: 46
Spilogale pygmaea total: 61
Spinus psaltria total: 26
Spizaetus melanoleucus total: 32
Spizaetus ornatus total: 39
Spodoptera frugiperda total: 56
Spondias mombin total: 42
Spondias purpurea total: 27
Sporobolus alterniflorus total: 64
Sporobolus anglicus total: 33
Staehelina baetica total: 43
Stellaria media total: 33
Stenella coeruleoalba total: 41
Sterna hirundo total: 26
Stipa tenacissima total: 35
Streptopelia decaocto total: 52
Streptopelia turtur total: 36
Strix aluco total: 30
Strix varia total: 31
Strophosoma melanogrammum total: 86
Sturnella magna total: 44
Sturnira lilium total: 58
Sturnus vulgaris total: 87
Sus scrofa total: 295
Swietenia macrophylla total: 91
Sylvia atricapilla total: 111
Sylvilagus audubonii total: 30
Sylvilagus brasiliensis total: 70
Sylvilagus cunicularius total: 32
Sylvilagus floridanus total: 79
Syncerus caffer total: 44
Syringa vulgaris total: 39
Syzygium jambos total: 26
Tabebuia rosea total: 52
Tadarida brasiliensis total: 100
Tamandua mexicana total: 139
Tamandua tetradactyla total: 36
Tamarindus indica total: 34
Tamarix ramosissima total: 56
Tamias sibiricus total: 30
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus total: 54
Tapirella bairdii total: 142
Tapirus pinchaque total: 71
Tapirus terrestris total: 126
Taraxacum campylodes total: 65
Taxidea taxus total: 69
Taxodium mucronatum total: 51
Taxus baccata total: 68
Tayassu pecari total: 118
Tecoma stans total: 69
Tectona grandis total: 36
Telanthophora grandifolia total: 43
Terebra brasiliensis total: 28
Terminalia leiocarpa total: 30
Terrapene carolina total: 31
Terrapene ornata total: 28
Testudo graeca total: 54
Tetraclinis articulata total: 50
Tetrao urogallus total: 35
Tetrastes bonasia total: 26
Thamnophis cyrtopsis total: 26
Theobroma cacao total: 101
Thomomys umbrinus total: 43
Thraupis episcopus total: 33
Thunbergia alata total: 35
Thunbergia grandiflora total: 26
Thunnus albacares total: 33
Thunnus thynnus total: 27
Thylacinus cynocephalus total: 40
Thyroptera tricolor total: 36
Tilia cordata total: 27
Tithonia diversifolia total: 41
Tlacuatzin canescens total: 55
Trachemys scripta total: 117
Trachops cirrhosus total: 31
Trachycephalus venulosus total: 30
Trapa natans total: 27
Trema micrantha total: 38
Tremarctos ornatus total: 438
Triaenodon obesus total: 27
Trichechus manatus total: 83
Trichosurus vulpecula total: 38
Trifolium pratense total: 37
Trifolium repens total: 86
Triticum aestivum total: 42
Triticum turgidum total: 38
Triturus cristatus total: 45
Troglodytes aedon total: 26
Trogon citreolus total: 27
Trogon mexicanus total: 26
Turdus grayi total: 41
Turdus merula total: 49
Turdus migratorius total: 40
Turpinia insignis total: 54
Tursiops truncatus total: 123
Tussilago farfara total: 26
Tyrannus melancholicus total: 31
Tyto alba total: 101
Ulex europaeus total: 164
Ulmus glabra total: 26
Uncia uncia total: 63
Undaria pinnatifida total: 52
Urena lobata total: 27
Urocitellus columbianus total: 68
Urocyon cinereoargenteus total: 124
Ursus americanus total: 394
Ursus arctos total: 346
Ursus maritimus total: 233
Ursus thibetanus total: 59
Uta stansburiana total: 33
Vachellia farnesiana total: 76
Vachellia nilotica total: 48
Vachellia tortilis total: 36
Vampyrodes caraccioli total: 26
Vampyrum spectrum total: 59
Vanellus vanellus total: 27
Vanessa atalanta total: 28
Vanessa cardui total: 28
Vanilla planifolia total: 45
Varanus komodoensis total: 26
Vella bourgaeana total: 27
Vermivora chrysoptera total: 29
Veronica arvensis total: 28
Vespa velutina total: 74
Vicia sativa total: 57
Vicugna vicugna total: 49
Vigna unguiculata total: 95
Vipera berus total: 57
Vireo atricapilla total: 30
Vireo bellii total: 49
Virola surinamensis total: 26
Vitellaria paradoxa total: 35
Vitis gmelinii total: 72
Vitis vinifera total: 50
Vulpes lagopus total: 115
Vulpes macrotis total: 65
Vulpes vulpes total: 236
Vulpia bromoides total: 29
Vultur gryphus total: 205
Xanthium spinosum total: 28
Xanthium strumarium total: 28
Xenopus laevis total: 57
Xenospiza baileyi total: 28
Xerospermophilus spilosoma total: 26
Zalophus californianus total: 65
Zannichellia palustris total: 31
Zea mays total: 157
Zenaida macroura total: 26
Zonotrichia capensis total: 47
Zonotrichia leucophrys total: 48
Zootoca vivipara total: 55
Zostera marina total: 50
Zostera noltii total: 49
Abarema total: 96
Abelmoschus total: 61
Abies total: 970
Abra total: 59
Abrocoma total: 45
Abronia total: 268
Abrothrix total: 44
Abrus total: 49
Abudefduf total: 97
Aburria total: 69
Abutilon total: 134
Acacia total: 1124
Acaena total: 65
Acalypha total: 100
Acanthemblemaria total: 48
Acanthodactylus total: 35
Acanthophora total: 36
Acanthospermum total: 35
Acanthostracion total: 36
Acanthurus total: 72
Acanthus total: 65
Acartia total: 31
Accipiter total: 309
Acer total: 731
Achillea total: 205
Achimenes total: 52
Achnatherum total: 30
Acinonyx total: 77
Acipenser total: 69
Acis total: 28
Acmella total: 28
Acomys total: 28
Aconitum total: 86
Acorus total: 26
Acridotheres total: 167
Acrocephalus total: 55
Acrocomia total: 44
Acropora total: 108
Acrostichum total: 50
Actaea total: 33
Actinemys total: 29
Actinidia total: 87
Actitis total: 39
Adansonia total: 300
Adelges total: 28
Adelia total: 34
Adenocarpus total: 102
Adesmia total: 72
Adiantum total: 162
Adonis total: 38
Adoxa total: 50
Aechmea total: 163
Aedes total: 557
Aegilops total: 205
Aegolius total: 49
Aegypius total: 34
Aeonium total: 78
Aepyceros total: 27
Aeschynomene total: 43
Aesculus total: 73
Aeshna total: 46
Aethionema total: 80
Afrixalus total: 60
Afrocarpus total: 26
Afzelia total: 63
Agalinis total: 26
Agalychnis total: 143
Agama total: 51
Agapornis total: 41
Agaricia total: 51
Agathis total: 77
Agave total: 939
Agelaius total: 40
Ageratina total: 159
Ageratum total: 59
Agkistrodon total: 112
Aglaiocercus total: 30
Aglais total: 49
Agrilus total: 53
Agropyron total: 30
Agrostis total: 257
Aichryson total: 28
Ailanthus total: 137
Ailuropoda total: 92
Ailurus total: 68
Aimophila total: 34
Aiphanes total: 50
Aira total: 48
Aix total: 43
Ajuga total: 35
Akodon total: 100
Alauda total: 30
Albizia total: 128
Albuca total: 31
Alcedo total: 37
Alces total: 136
Alchemilla total: 172
Alchornea total: 57
Alcippe total: 26
Alectoris total: 90
Aleurites total: 29
Algyroides total: 254
Alisma total: 42
Allactaga total: 30
Alliaria total: 67
Alligator total: 39
Allium total: 77
Allium total: 587
Allobates total: 95
Allophylus total: 41
Alnus total: 305
Aloe total: 93
Alopecurus total: 94
Alopias total: 44
Alopochen total: 38
Alosa total: 54
Alouatta total: 454
Aloysia total: 53
Alpheus total: 58
Alpinia total: 49
Alsodes total: 36
Alstroemeria total: 82
Alternanthera total: 184
Aluterus total: 29
Alyssum total: 95
Alytes total: 36
Amandinea total: 27
Amanita total: 153
Amaranthus total: 374
Amauropelta total: 27
Amazilia total: 310
Amazona total: 363
Amblyomma total: 55
Amblypharyngodon total: 66
Ambrosia total: 271
Ambystoma total: 637
Ameerega total: 74
Ameiurus total: 60
Ameiva total: 122
Amelanchier total: 83
Amietophrynus total: 58
Ammi total: 39
Ammodramus total: 102
Ammospermophilus total: 89
Ammotragus total: 29
Amorpha total: 40
Amorphophallus total: 61
Ampelopsis total: 35
Amphiprion total: 72
Amphisbaena total: 89
Amyema total: 28
Anacamptis total: 54
Anacardium total: 66
Anacyclus total: 91
Anadara total: 32
Anadenanthera total: 109
Ananas total: 47
Anarrhinum total: 26
Anas total: 565
Anaxyrus total: 292
Anchoa total: 73
Andigena total: 35
Andinobates total: 27
Andira total: 31
Andrena total: 341
Androcymbium total: 93
Andropogon total: 131
Androsace total: 78
Andryala total: 49
Aneides total: 49
Anemone total: 115
Angelica total: 48
Anguilla total: 85
Anguis total: 53
Aniba total: 46
Anisognathus total: 31
Anisoptera total: 28
Anisotremus total: 28
Annona total: 290
Anodorhynchus total: 62
Anolis total: 38
Anolis total: 1175
Anopheles total: 340
Anoplolepis total: 29
Anoplophora total: 51
Anoura total: 116
Anredera total: 27
Anser total: 123
Antennaria total: 79
Anthemis total: 60
Anthidium total: 36
Anthonomus total: 46
Anthophora total: 66
Anthospermum total: 35
Anthoxanthum total: 71
Anthracothorax total: 35
Anthriscus total: 38
Anthurium total: 159
Anthus total: 83
Anthyllis total: 89
Antilocapra total: 110
Antirrhinum total: 80
Antrozous total: 54
Aonyx total: 38
Aotus total: 117
Apalone total: 31
Aphelandra total: 31
Aphelocoma total: 65
Aphis total: 98
Apis total: 209
Apium total: 44
Apodemia total: 26
Apodemus total: 148
Apogon total: 42
Aporia total: 27
Appendicula total: 34
Appias total: 26
Aprostocetus total: 42
Aptenodytes total: 51
Apteryx total: 287
Aquila total: 342
Aquilaria total: 33
Aquilegia total: 142
Ara total: 412
Arabidopsis total: 162
Arabis total: 178
Arachis total: 158
Arachniodes total: 50
Arachnothryx total: 83
Aradus total: 35
Aralia total: 29
Aramides total: 33
Aratinga total: 171
Araucaria total: 280
Arborimus total: 32
Arborophila total: 136
Arbutus total: 86
Arceuthobium total: 33
Archidendron total: 63
Archilochus total: 70
Archontophoenix total: 28
Arctium total: 47
Arctocephalus total: 54
Arctostaphylos total: 124
Arctotheca total: 27
Arcytophyllum total: 38
Ardea total: 211
Ardisia total: 94
Arenaria total: 26
Arenaria total: 150
Argemone total: 50
Argentina total: 31
Argia total: 57
Argynnis total: 31
Argyranthemum total: 58
Aricia total: 39
Ariocarpus total: 31
Arion total: 67
Aristelliger total: 27
Aristida total: 74
Aristolochia total: 129
Aristotelia total: 27
Armeria total: 146
Arnica total: 42
Arothron total: 28
Arremon total: 68
Arremonops total: 28
Arrhenatherum total: 29
Arrojadoa total: 33
Artemisia total: 555
Arthonia total: 82
Arthroleptis total: 44
Artibeus total: 289
Artocarpus total: 98
Arum total: 34
Arundo total: 131
Arvicola total: 57
Asclepias total: 531
Asio total: 86
Asparagus total: 213
Asphodelus total: 36
Aspidoscelis total: 389
Aspidosperma total: 84
Asplenium total: 573
Aster total: 76
Asterias total: 36
Asthenes total: 35
Astragalus total: 293
Astroblepus total: 40
Astrocaryum total: 122
Astronium total: 33
Astrophytum total: 49
Astyanax total: 61
Ateles total: 380
Atelocynus total: 30
Atelopus total: 439
Athene total: 38
Athyrium total: 39
Atlapetes total: 117
Atractus total: 78
Atriplex total: 191
Atropoides total: 69
Atta total: 66
Attalea total: 140
Atthis total: 43
Attila total: 38
Aulacorhynchus total: 65
Austrocedrus total: 32
Austrolebias total: 60
Automolus total: 53
Avena total: 148
Avicennia total: 164
Axis total: 70
Aythya total: 132
Azadirachta total: 37
Azolla total: 139
Azorella total: 66
Babyrousa total: 58
Baccharis total: 309
Bachia total: 43
Bacopa total: 44
Bactris total: 202
Bactrocera total: 127
Baeolophus total: 33
Baiomys total: 64
Balaenoptera total: 229
Balantiopteryx total: 59
Bambusa total: 106
Banksia total: 29
Barbarea total: 31
Barbastella total: 32
Barilius total: 32
Barisia total: 90
Barnadesia total: 30
Basileuterus total: 65
Basiliscus total: 62
Bassariscus total: 156
Bathygobius total: 32
Bathyraja total: 46
Batis total: 33
Batrachoseps total: 55
Battus total: 38
Bauhinia total: 167
Beaucarnea total: 55
Begonia total: 290
Beilschmiedia total: 99
Bellevalia total: 32
Bellis total: 41
Bembidion total: 206
Bembix total: 33
Bemisia total: 40
Berberis total: 266
Bertholletia total: 67
Besleria total: 29
Beta total: 65
Betula total: 385
Bidens total: 198
Bignonia total: 27
Billbergia total: 40
Biomphalaria total: 33
Bipes total: 30
Biscutella total: 32
Bison total: 116
Bistorta total: 37
Bitis total: 47
Bixa total: 42
Blarina total: 26
Blastocerus total: 30
Blechnum total: 33
Blepharis total: 29
Bletia total: 42
Blitum total: 27
Boa total: 82
Boechera total: 88
Boehmeria total: 50
Boiga total: 54
Boletus total: 34
Bolitoglossa total: 245
Boloria total: 57
Bomarea total: 73
Bombax total: 37
Bombina total: 58
Bombus total: 1362
Bombycilla total: 40
Bos total: 78
Bostrichus total: 49
Botaurus total: 52
Bothriechis total: 138
Bothriochloa total: 98
Bothrocophias total: 49
Bothrops total: 406
Botrychium total: 189
Bourreria total: 27
Bouteloua total: 149
Brachiaria total: 108
Brachycephalus total: 27
Brachymeles total: 41
Brachypelma total: 75
Brachypodium total: 109
Brachyscome total: 43
Brachythecium total: 55
Bradypus total: 193
Brahea total: 57
Branta total: 104
Brassavola total: 29
Brassica total: 247
Braya total: 29
Brickellia total: 26
Briza total: 35
Brocchinia total: 30
Bromelia total: 80
Bromeliohyla total: 40
Bromus total: 397
Brosimum total: 91
Brotogeris total: 52
Broussonetia total: 26
Brugmansia total: 47
Bruguiera total: 41
Brunellia total: 29
Brunfelsia total: 27
Brycon total: 68
Bryconamericus total: 38
Bryum total: 87
Bubalus total: 32
Bubo total: 136
Bubulcus total: 81
Bucephala total: 50
Buceros total: 33
Buddleja total: 226
Buellia total: 38
Bufo total: 95
Bulbophyllum total: 70
Bulnesia total: 57
Bungarus total: 33
Bunias total: 28
Bupleurum total: 45
Bursera total: 408
Buteo total: 448
Buteogallus total: 66
Butia total: 86
Butorides total: 31
Buxus total: 96
Byrsonima total: 88
Cabassous total: 54
Cabomba total: 67
Cacatua total: 41
Cacicus total: 39
Caenolestes total: 38
Caesalpinia total: 243
Caiman total: 84
Cairina total: 30
Cajanus total: 45
Cakile total: 48
Caladenia total: 52
Calamagrostis total: 113
Calceolaria total: 69
Calea total: 37
Calendula total: 28
Calibrachoa total: 96
Calidris total: 249
Calliandra total: 45
Callicarpa total: 27
Callicebus total: 38
Callinectes total: 55
Callionymus total: 29
Callipepla total: 112
Callithrix total: 134
Callitriche total: 93
Callitris total: 41
Callophrys total: 26
Callosciurus total: 42
Callospermophilus total: 42
Calluna total: 55
Calocedrus total: 35
Calochortus total: 47
Calocitta total: 40
Calomys total: 44
Calomyscus total: 42
Calophyllum total: 51
Caloplaca total: 99
Calotes total: 49
Calothorax total: 53
Calotropis total: 57
Caluromys total: 68
Calycophyllum total: 27
Calypte total: 29
Calyptranthes total: 100
Calystegia total: 33
Cambarus total: 76
Cambessedesia total: 52
Camelina total: 27
Camellia total: 118
Campanula total: 198
Campephilus total: 93
Camponotus total: 49
Campylopterus total: 78
Campylopus total: 56
Campylorhamphus total: 29
Campylorhynchus total: 116
Canarium total: 44
Canis total: 1327
Canna total: 29
Cannabis total: 77
Canthon total: 77
Capparis total: 35
Capra total: 116
Caprella total: 26
Capreolus total: 53
Caprimulgus total: 112
Capsella total: 62
Capsicum total: 143
Carabus total: 87
Caracal total: 35
Caracara total: 58
Carangoides total: 46
Caranx total: 91
Carapa total: 42
Carassius total: 51
Carcharhinus total: 288
Carcharodon total: 132
Carcinus total: 30
Cardamine total: 314
Cardellina total: 131
Cardinalis total: 114
Carduelis total: 38
Carduus total: 113
Caretta total: 56
Carex total: 1189
Carica total: 50
Cariniana total: 40
Carlina total: 31
Carnegiea total: 58
Carollia total: 170
Carpinus total: 83
Carpiodes total: 26
Carpobrotus total: 101
Carpodacus total: 108
Carthamus total: 63
Carya total: 62
Caryocar total: 55
Casearia total: 55
Cassia total: 40
Castanea total: 98
Castanopsis total: 78
Castilla total: 26
Castilleja total: 84
Castor total: 145
Casuarina total: 74
Casuarius total: 27
Catasetum total: 37
Cathartes total: 100
Catharus total: 143
Catopsis total: 31
Cattleya total: 75
Caulanthus total: 33
Caulerpa total: 142
Cavanillesia total: 89
Cavendishia total: 40
Cavia total: 60
Ceanothus total: 127
Cebus total: 78
Cecropia total: 116
Cedrela total: 250
Cedrus total: 68
Ceiba total: 228
Celastrina total: 27
Celastrus total: 53
Celestus total: 64
Celeus total: 47
Celtis total: 149
Cenchrus total: 331
Centaurea total: 536
Centaurium total: 37
Centris total: 151
Centrocercus total: 40
Centrolene total: 103
Centronycteris total: 44
Centropomus total: 41
Centrosema total: 37
Centruroides total: 120
Centurio total: 53
Cephalanthera total: 35
Cephalocereus total: 89
Cephalopholis total: 30
Cephalotaxus total: 35
Cerastium total: 171
Ceratitis total: 86
Ceratonia total: 36
Ceratophrys total: 46
Ceratophyllum total: 31
Ceratotherium total: 50
Ceratozamia total: 78
Cercis total: 39
Cercomacra total: 36
Cercopithecus total: 52
Cerdocyon total: 55
Cereus total: 128
Ceropegia total: 55
Ceroxylon total: 161
Cerrophidion total: 44
Certhia total: 48
Cervus total: 225
Ceryle total: 38
Cestrum total: 182
Chaenorhinum total: 35
Chaerophyllum total: 34
Chaetodipus total: 211
Chaetodon total: 61
Chaetura total: 47
Chalcides total: 40
Chamaecrista total: 99
Chamaecyparis total: 67
Chamaedorea total: 222
Chamaeleo total: 30
Chamaerops total: 51
Chamaesaura total: 28
Channa total: 57
Characidium total: 26
Charadrahyla total: 82
Charadrius total: 122
Charybdis total: 26
Chascolytrum total: 40
Cheilanthes total: 80
Cheilopogon total: 36
Cheirolophus total: 77
Chelonia total: 140
Chelonoidis total: 66
Chelydra total: 36
Chen total: 31
Chenopodiastrum total: 30
Chenopodium total: 226
Cherax total: 29
Chinchilla total: 39
Chionanthus total: 32
Chiroderma total: 49
Chironectes total: 50
Chironius total: 37
Chiropterotriton total: 75
Chiroxiphia total: 44
Chloris total: 30
Chlorocebus total: 28
Chloroceryle total: 44
Chlorospingus total: 48
Chlorostilbon total: 75
Choeroniscus total: 49
Choeronycteris total: 84
Choloepus total: 117
Chordeiles total: 43
Chorispora total: 26
Chorthippus total: 78
Christella total: 30
Chromis total: 36
Chromolaena total: 122
Chrotopterus total: 37
Chrysanthemum total: 31
Chrysemys total: 53
Chrysocyon total: 105
Chrysophyllum total: 67
Chuquiraga total: 42
Chusquea total: 142
Ciccaba total: 31
Cicer total: 60
Cicerbita total: 33
Cichla total: 27
Cichorium total: 45
Cicindela total: 37
Ciconia total: 95
Cicuta total: 52
Cinchona total: 69
Cinclus total: 34
Cinnamomum total: 161
Circus total: 122
Cirsium total: 359
Cissus total: 40
Cistanthe total: 33
Cistothorus total: 31
Cistus total: 158
Citharexylum total: 52
Citharichthys total: 31
Citronella total: 31
Citrullus total: 48
Citrus total: 183
Cladonia total: 115
Clarias total: 43
Clarkia total: 152
Cleistanthus total: 79
Clematis total: 106
Cleome total: 40
Clerodendrum total: 33
Clethra total: 162
Clidemia total: 45
Clinopodium total: 53
Clitoria total: 50
Clusia total: 275
Cnemaspis total: 52
Cnemidophorus total: 52
Cnidoscolus total: 51
Coccinella total: 36
Coccoloba total: 117
Coccothrinax total: 31
Coccyzus total: 48
Cochlearia total: 51
Cochlospermum total: 38
Cochranella total: 48
Cocos total: 39
Codium total: 60
Coeligena total: 98
Coenagrion total: 48
Coendou total: 38
Coenonympha total: 48
Coffea total: 219
Coincya total: 47
Cola total: 58
Colaptes total: 49
Colchicum total: 60
Coleonyx total: 52
Colias total: 47
Colibri total: 133
Colinus total: 71
Collema total: 36
Colletes total: 50
Collinsia total: 41
Colostethus total: 40
Coluber total: 82
Colubrina total: 43
Columba total: 121
Columbina total: 88
Columnea total: 77
Comarum total: 26
Combretum total: 75
Commelina total: 58
Conepatus total: 128
Coniophanes total: 26
Conirostrum total: 30
Connochaetes total: 33
Conocarpus total: 57
Conopophaga total: 36
Conopsis total: 32
Conostegia total: 33
Contopus total: 84
Convolvulus total: 79
Copaifera total: 34
Copiapoa total: 60
Coprosma total: 50
Copsychus total: 31
Coptodon total: 29
Coragyps total: 50
Corallorhiza total: 31
Corallus total: 30
Cordia total: 189
Coregonus total: 50
Coreopsis total: 65
Cornu total: 36
Cornus total: 328
Coronella total: 48
Corryocactus total: 54
Cortaderia total: 101
Cortinarius total: 129
Corvus total: 229
Corydoras total: 44
Corylus total: 117
Corymbia total: 41
Corymbium total: 26
Corynorhinus total: 100
Coryphaena total: 30
Coryphaenoides total: 37
Coryphantha total: 61
Coryphopterus total: 28
Corytophanes total: 27
Cosmos total: 36
Costus total: 30
Cota total: 52
Cotinga total: 34
Cotinus total: 29
Cotoneaster total: 129
Cottus total: 35
Coturnix total: 80
Crambe total: 63
Cranioleuca total: 42
Crassadoma total: 48
Crassostrea total: 29
Crassula total: 54
Crataegus total: 209
Cratogeomys total: 84
Craugastor total: 349
Crax total: 109
Crepis total: 205
Crescentia total: 30
Crocidura total: 115
Crocodylus total: 326
Crocus total: 100
Crocuta total: 69
Crossoptilon total: 27
Crotalaria total: 133
Crotalus total: 1250
Crotaphytus total: 62
Croton total: 238
Crotophaga total: 31
Cryosophila total: 42
Cryphalus total: 37
Cryptanthus total: 62
Cryptobranchus total: 50
Cryptocarya total: 48
Cryptostegia total: 59
Cryptotis total: 354
Crypturellus total: 74
Ctenomys total: 60
Ctenosaura total: 159
Cuculus total: 47
Cucumis total: 76
Cucurbita total: 155
Culcita total: 30
Culex total: 180
Culiseta total: 31
Cuniculus total: 129
Cupania total: 28
Cuphea total: 32
Cupressus total: 224
Curcuma total: 79
Cuscuta total: 100
Cyanerpes total: 26
Cyanocitta total: 30
Cyanocorax total: 147
Cyanolyca total: 55
Cyathea total: 329
Cycas total: 86
Cyclopes total: 67
Cyclura total: 29
Cydia total: 26
Cygnus total: 98
Cylindropuntia total: 83
Cymbidium total: 27
Cymodocea total: 31
Cynanchum total: 26
Cynanthus total: 59
Cynara total: 31
Cynodon total: 95
Cynoglossum total: 44
Cynoglossus total: 35
Cynomops total: 45
Cynomys total: 237
Cynophalla total: 54
Cynoscion total: 82
Cynosurus total: 35
Cypella total: 47
Cyperus total: 292
Cyprinella total: 29
Cyprinodon total: 27
Cyprinus total: 76
Cypripedium total: 118
Cypseloides total: 30
Cyrtandra total: 88
Cyrtochilum total: 29
Cyrtodactylus total: 119
Cyrtonyx total: 36
Cyrtopodium total: 28
Cystopteris total: 77
Cystoseira total: 48
Cytisus total: 166
Daboia total: 26
Dacrydium total: 26
Dactylis total: 81
Dactylorhiza total: 121
Dahlia total: 78
Dalbergia total: 145
Dalea total: 114
Dalechampia total: 36
Dama total: 42
Damburneya total: 32
Danaus total: 310
Daphne total: 41
Daphnia total: 33
Darevskia total: 57
Dasylirion total: 30
Dasyprocta total: 138
Dasypus total: 310
Datura total: 128
Daucus total: 125
Decapterus total: 26
Delonix total: 39
Delphinapterus total: 62
Delphinium total: 61
Delphinus total: 32
Dendroaspis total: 31
Dendrobates total: 90
Dendrobium total: 77
Dendrocincla total: 40
Dendrocolaptes total: 43
Dendrocopos total: 79
Dendroctonus total: 144
Dendrocygna total: 95
Dendrolagus total: 26
Dendropanax total: 104
Dendropsophus total: 238
Dendrortyx total: 45
Deparia total: 48
Dermacentor total: 43
Dermanura total: 133
Dermatemys total: 29
Dermochelys total: 107
Deschampsia total: 92
Descurainia total: 72
Desmodium total: 71
Desmodus total: 173
Desmognathus total: 107
Desmoncus total: 32
Deuterocohnia total: 26
Diabrotica total: 79
Diadasia total: 37
Diadema total: 28
Diadophis total: 31
Diaemus total: 32
Diaglena total: 58
Dianema total: 27
Dianthus total: 143
Diaphorina total: 26
Diaphus total: 60
Diceros total: 55
Dicksonia total: 48
Diclidurus total: 63
Dicranum total: 52
Dicrostonyx total: 27
Dictyocaryum total: 27
Didelphis total: 311
Didemnum total: 27
Didymocarpus total: 26
Digitalis total: 48
Digitaria total: 147
Digitonthophagus total: 70
Diglossa total: 105
Dinomys total: 30
Diomedea total: 45
Dioon total: 109
Dioscorea total: 264
Diospyros total: 186
Diphasiastrum total: 79
Diphylla total: 46
Diplacus total: 38
Diplazium total: 38
Diplostephium total: 62
Diplotaxis total: 69
Dipodomys total: 329
Dipsas total: 39
Dipsosaurus total: 33
Dipterocarpus total: 61
Dipteryx total: 52
Dipturus total: 33
Disa total: 26
Discocactus total: 37
Discoglossus total: 56
Dodonaea total: 58
Dolichotis total: 26
Donax total: 156
Doricha total: 43
Draba total: 380
Dracaena total: 107
Draco total: 27
Dracophyllum total: 40
Dracula total: 138
Dreissena total: 112
Drimia total: 27
Drimys total: 48
Dromiciops total: 34
Drosera total: 107
Drosophila total: 105
Dryas total: 53
Drymarchon total: 41
Drymonia total: 48
Drymophila total: 36
Dryocoetes total: 35
Dryocopus total: 59
Dryopteris total: 198
Drypetes total: 32
Duellmanohyla total: 34
Duguetia total: 30
Durio total: 31
Duttaphrynus total: 46
Dyckia total: 132
Dypsis total: 206
Dyschoriste total: 31
Dysithamnus total: 31
Dysphania total: 41
Echeveria total: 64
Echinacea total: 27
Echinocactus total: 69
Echinocereus total: 74
Echinochloa total: 175
Echinodorus total: 36
Echinops total: 37
Echinopsis total: 87
Echium total: 95
Eclipta total: 26
Ecnomiohyla total: 50
Egeria total: 50
Egretta total: 162
Eichhornia total: 203
Eidolon total: 27
Eira total: 83
Elacatinus total: 37
Elaeagnus total: 72
Elaeis total: 70
Elaenia total: 58
Elaeocarpus total: 36
Elanus total: 47
Elaphoglossum total: 98
Elatine total: 37
Eleocharis total: 180
Elephas total: 154
Eleusine total: 51
Eleutherodactylus total: 418
Elgaria total: 37
Elodea total: 87
Elymus total: 162
Elysia total: 45
Emberiza total: 138
Emblemaria total: 28
Emoia total: 53
Empetrum total: 40
Empidonax total: 144
Emys total: 49
Enallagma total: 33
Encelia total: 26
Encephalartos total: 44
Enchisthenes total: 30
Encholirium total: 40
Encyclia total: 157
Engraulis total: 41
Engystomops total: 47
Enhydra total: 45
Enterolobium total: 47
Ephedra total: 288
Epicharis total: 36
Epidalea total: 35
Epidendrum total: 212
Epilobium total: 150
Epinephelus total: 159
Epipactis total: 50
Epipedobates total: 52
Epiphyllum total: 41
Epomops total: 39
Eptesicus total: 324
Equisetum total: 231
Equus total: 151
Eragrostis total: 120
Erebia total: 74
Eremanthus total: 26
Eremias total: 70
Eremophila total: 30
Erethizon total: 29
Eretmochelys total: 66
Erica total: 125
Ericameria total: 30
Erigeron total: 268
Erinaceus total: 78
Eriobotrya total: 27
Eriocaulon total: 40
Eriocheir total: 88
Eriocnemis total: 62
Eriogonum total: 94
Eriophorum total: 60
Eriosyce total: 50
Erodium total: 139
Erucastrum total: 28
Eryngium total: 179
Erynnis total: 44
Erysimum total: 132
Erythemis total: 44
Erythranthe total: 132
Erythrina total: 117
Erythrolamprus total: 60
Erythronium total: 28
Erythroxylum total: 90
Escallonia total: 75
Eschrichtius total: 69
Eschscholzia total: 29
Eschweilera total: 95
Escobaria total: 49
Esox total: 205
Espeletia total: 274
Espeletiopsis total: 43
Estrilda total: 46
Etheostoma total: 99
Etlingera total: 34
Etmopterus total: 39
Eubalaena total: 54
Eucalyptus total: 26
Eucalyptus total: 282
Euderma total: 29
Eudistoma total: 27
Eudocimus total: 27
Eudyptes total: 34
Eufriesea total: 26
Eugenia total: 315
Euglandina total: 28
Euglossa total: 64
Eulaema total: 67
Eulemur total: 40
Eumops total: 128
Eunectes total: 36
Euonymus total: 53
Eupatorium total: 42
Eupherusa total: 41
Euphonia total: 60
Euphorbia total: 776
Euphrasia total: 67
Euphydryas total: 63
Euplectes total: 30
Eurycea total: 73
Eustomias total: 65
Euterpe total: 140
Eutrema total: 27
Eutropis total: 41
Evolvulus total: 33
Exerodonta total: 71
Exostema total: 70
Fagonia total: 26
Fagus total: 231
Falcipennis total: 26
Falco total: 518
Farfantepenaeus total: 30
Felis total: 170
Ferocactus total: 92
Ferula total: 28
Festuca total: 424
Ficedula total: 35
Ficus total: 652
Filago total: 61
Fimbristylis total: 42
Fissidens total: 38
Fitzroya total: 38
Flaveria total: 74
Formica total: 46
Formicivora total: 57
Forpus total: 35
Fosterella total: 36
Fouquieria total: 61
Fragaria total: 129
Francolinus total: 161
Frangula total: 76
Fratercula total: 51
Fraxinus total: 259
Fregata total: 46
Fringilla total: 69
Fritillaria total: 113
Fuchsia total: 93
Fucus total: 53
Fulica total: 53
Fumaria total: 31
Fundulus total: 47
Furcraea total: 33
Furnarius total: 68
Gadus total: 155
Gaga total: 30
Gagea total: 63
Galanthus total: 65
Galeocerdo total: 35
Galerida total: 30
Galictis total: 87
Galinsoga total: 42
Galium total: 378
Gallinago total: 80
Gallinula total: 49
Gallus total: 30
Gambelia total: 50
Gambusia total: 114
Gammarus total: 26
Garcinia total: 96
Gardenia total: 30
Garra total: 28
Garrulax total: 80
Garrulus total: 30
Gasteracantha total: 28
Gasteranthus total: 42
Gasteria total: 44
Gastrophryne total: 49
Gastrotheca total: 184
Gaultheria total: 59
Gavia total: 50
Gaylussacia total: 26
Gazella total: 84
Gehyra total: 67
Gekko total: 83
Genetta total: 63
Genipa total: 33
Genista total: 256
Gentiana total: 176
Gentianella total: 64
Geococcyx total: 27
Geomys total: 33
Geonoma total: 122
Geophis total: 79
Geothlypis total: 137
Geotrygon total: 44
Geranium total: 220
Gerbillus total: 47
Geronticus total: 29
Gerrhonotus total: 32
Gesneria total: 29
Geum total: 66
Ginglymostoma total: 27
Ginkgo total: 53
Giraffa total: 276
Gladiolus total: 48
Glandularia total: 77
Glaucidium total: 156
Glaucomys total: 92
Glaucopsyche total: 31
Gleditsia total: 29
Gliricidia total: 26
Glis total: 27
Globba total: 35
Globicephala total: 38
Globularia total: 86
Glossophaga total: 186
Glyceria total: 59
Glycine total: 58
Glycymeris total: 48
Glycyrrhiza total: 31
Glyphonycteris total: 44
Glyptemys total: 30
Glyptothorax total: 62
Gnaphalium total: 26
Gobiesox total: 28
Gobiosoma total: 28
Gomphrena total: 78
Gonatodes total: 59
Gongora total: 31
Goodyera total: 32
Gopherus total: 131
Gorilla total: 91
Gossypium total: 123
Gracilaria total: 31
Gracilinanus total: 34
Graffenrieda total: 132
Grallaria total: 95
Graptemys total: 36
Greigia total: 44
Grevillea total: 51
Grewia total: 31
Grimmia total: 51
Grus total: 176
Guadua total: 118
Guaiacum total: 50
Guapira total: 39
Guarea total: 41
Guatteria total: 61
Guazuma total: 42
Guettarda total: 57
Gulo total: 81
Gunnera total: 52
Guzmania total: 190
Gymnadenia total: 43
Gymnocarpium total: 28
Gymnogyps total: 70
Gymnosporia total: 48
Gymnothorax total: 88
Gymnura total: 50
Gypaetus total: 75
Gyps total: 258
Gypsophila total: 45
Habenaria total: 181
Habia total: 30
Habranthus total: 37
Habromys total: 133
Habropoda total: 26
Haemagogus total: 46
Haematopus total: 43
Haematoxylum total: 26
Haemorhous total: 86
Haemulon total: 52
Hakea total: 112
Haliaeetus total: 140
Halichoeres total: 92
Halophila total: 75
Halyomorpha total: 68
Hamearis total: 26
Handleyomys total: 28
Handroanthus total: 187
Hapalopsittaca total: 26
Harmonia total: 115
Harpia total: 122
Harpyhaliaetus total: 40
Hechtia total: 78
Hedera total: 71
Hedychium total: 174
Hedyosmum total: 129
Hedysarum total: 34
Heliangelus total: 28
Helianthemum total: 207
Helianthus total: 335
Helichrysum total: 84
Heliconia total: 300
Heliconius total: 71
Helicops total: 33
Helicoverpa total: 40
Helictotrichon total: 27
Heliocarpus total: 26
Heliodoxa total: 55
Heliotropium total: 45
Heloderma total: 108
Helogale total: 27
Helosciadium total: 40
Hemichaena total: 62
Hemidactylus total: 319
Hemitriccus total: 79
Henicorhina total: 52
Henriettea total: 44
Hepatica total: 35
Heracleum total: 113
Herbertia total: 29
Herichthys total: 39
Heritiera total: 37
Herminium total: 26
Herniaria total: 32
Herpestes total: 55
Herpsilochmus total: 61
Hetaerina total: 43
Heterodermia total: 32
Heterodon total: 31
Heteromys total: 94
Heteropterys total: 27
Heterotheca total: 28
Heuchera total: 103
Hevea total: 44
Hibiscus total: 106
Hieracium total: 325
Hieronyma total: 33
Hilaria total: 27
Himantoglossum total: 32
Himantopus total: 36
Himantura total: 28
Hippeastrum total: 51
Hippocamelus total: 35
Hippocampus total: 191
Hippocrepis total: 28
Hippophae total: 49
Hippopotamus total: 54
Hipposideros total: 43
Hippuris total: 27
Hirundo total: 99
Histiotus total: 41
Holbrookia total: 29
Holcosus total: 32
Holcus total: 60
Homo total: 34
Hopea total: 41
Hoplichthys total: 27
Hordeum total: 299
Hormathophylla total: 46
Humulus total: 53
Huperzia total: 47
Hura total: 33
Hyacinthoides total: 29
Hyaena total: 43
Hyalinobatrachium total: 114
Hyalomma total: 28
Hybopsis total: 26
Hydrangea total: 49
Hydriastele total: 27
Hydrictis total: 26
Hydrilla total: 47
Hydrochoerus total: 118
Hydrocotyle total: 59
Hydroides total: 26
Hydrophis total: 64
Hydroporus total: 90
Hydroprogne total: 43
Hygrocybe total: 29
Hygrophila total: 26
Hyla total: 333
Hylaeus total: 35
Hylarana total: 48
Hylobates total: 35
Hylocereus total: 33
Hylocharis total: 65
Hylonycteris total: 31
Hylopezus total: 28
Hylophilus total: 26
Hyloscirtus total: 56
Hyloxalus total: 132
Hylurgus total: 27
Hymenaea total: 71
Hymenophyllum total: 96
Hymenoscyphus total: 34
Hynobius total: 26
Hypanus total: 46
Hyparrhenia total: 36
Hypericum total: 302
Hyperolius total: 87
Hyphantria total: 29
Hyphessobrycon total: 42
Hypnum total: 35
Hypochaeris total: 83
Hypolytrum total: 42
Hypophthalmichthys total: 49
Hyporthodus total: 31
Hypothenemus total: 32
Hypsiboas total: 268
Hypsiglena total: 41
Hypsignathus total: 32
Hypsolebias total: 35
Hypsugo total: 29
Iberis total: 52
Iberolacerta total: 34
Ichthyosaura total: 31
Ictalurus total: 69
Icterus total: 260
Ictidomys total: 28
Iguana total: 137
Ilex total: 345
Illicium total: 51
Imantodes total: 38
Impatiens total: 167
Imperata total: 233
Incilius total: 304
Indigofera total: 98
Inga total: 279
Inia total: 88
Inula total: 56
Ipomoea total: 426
Ips total: 130
Iriartea total: 46
Iris total: 368
Irvingia total: 47
Isatis total: 36
Ischnura total: 75
Isoetes total: 186
Isolepis total: 38
Isurus total: 32
Ixobrychus total: 39
Ixodes total: 157
Jabiru total: 26
Jacaranda total: 79
Jacobaea total: 83
Jamesbrittenia total: 29
Jamesonia total: 32
Japalura total: 27
Jasione total: 41
Jasminum total: 29
Jatropha total: 270
Juglans total: 152
Junco total: 68
Juncus total: 318
Juniperus total: 687
Justicia total: 286
Kalanchoe total: 103
Kali total: 47
Kalmia total: 44
Khaya total: 76
Kinosternon total: 185
Kleinia total: 29
Knautia total: 31
Knipolegus total: 35
Kobus total: 45
Koeleria total: 41
Koenigia total: 26
Kohleria total: 54
Lacerta total: 92
Lachemilla total: 41
Lachesis total: 41
Lactarius total: 110
Lactuca total: 182
Laelia total: 137
Lagarosiphon total: 30
Lagenorhynchus total: 45
Lagidium total: 41
Lagopus total: 59
Lagothrix total: 69
Laguncularia total: 67
Lama total: 53
Laminaria total: 97
Lamium total: 59
Lampornis total: 39
Lampronycteris total: 28
Lampropeltis total: 95
Lanius total: 91
Lantana total: 270
Larix total: 110
Larrea total: 337
Larus total: 255
Lasioglossum total: 38
Lasionycteris total: 27
Lasiurus total: 250
Lasius total: 30
Lasthenia total: 33
Laterallus total: 44
Lathyrus total: 240
Latrodectus total: 60
Laurus total: 46
Lavandula total: 47
Leandra total: 78
Lecanora total: 123
Lecythis total: 42
Leersia total: 32
Leiocephalus total: 85
Leiothlypis total: 97
Leiothrix total: 46
Lemmus total: 45
Lemna total: 61
Lemur total: 47
Lens total: 78
Leontocebus total: 49
Leontodon total: 29
Leontopithecus total: 58
Leontopodium total: 57
Leopardus total: 946
Leopoldia total: 37
Lepanthes total: 39
Lepidaploa total: 28
Lepidium total: 266
Lepidoblepharis total: 26
Lepidochelys total: 153
Lepidocolaptes total: 50
Lepidodactylus total: 32
Lepidophyma total: 105
Lepidothrix total: 38
Lepomis total: 50
Leporinus total: 46
Leptailurus total: 27
Leptinotarsa total: 34
Leptobrachium total: 40
Leptodactylus total: 390
Leptodeira total: 84
Leptonycteris total: 280
Leptopelis total: 47
Leptophis total: 43
Leptotila total: 40
Lepus total: 469
Lespedeza total: 42
Lessingianthus total: 28
Leucadendron total: 28
Leucaena total: 198
Leucanthemum total: 66
Leucheria total: 80
Leucophaeus total: 29
Leucopternis total: 52
Leucoraja total: 34
Leucosticte total: 37
Leymus total: 43
Liatris total: 34
Licania total: 68
Licaria total: 51
Licea total: 42
Ligustrum total: 131
Lilium total: 98
Limenitis total: 33
Limonium total: 443
Limosa total: 76
Linaria total: 128
Lindera total: 240
Lindernia total: 27
Lindmania total: 29
Linepithema total: 43
Linnaea total: 54
Linum total: 132
Liolaemus total: 248
Liomys total: 81
Liophis total: 29
Lipaugus total: 34
Lipinia total: 27
Lipotriches total: 28
Lippia total: 119
Liquidambar total: 46
Liriodendron total: 30
Lissachatina total: 120
Lissotriton total: 37
Lithobates total: 820
Lithocarpus total: 64
Litopenaeus total: 41
Litoria total: 49
Litsea total: 53
Livistona total: 30
Liza total: 38
Lobaria total: 35
Lobelia total: 90
Lolium total: 125
Lomatia total: 26
Lonchocarpus total: 156
Lonchophylla total: 52
Lonchorhina total: 48
Lonchura total: 78
Lonicera total: 288
Lontra total: 256
Lophophora total: 71
Lophornis total: 65
Lophostoma total: 62
Lophura total: 97
Lotus total: 151
Loxia total: 58
Loxodonta total: 270
Loxosceles total: 51
Ludwigia total: 140
Lupinus total: 355
Luronium total: 36
Luscinia total: 43
Lutjanus total: 138
Lutra total: 102
Lutzomyia total: 109
Luzula total: 184
Lycaena total: 68
Lycalopex total: 217
Lycaon total: 115
Lychnophora total: 41
Lycianthes total: 26
Lycium total: 118
Lycopodiella total: 41
Lycopodium total: 45
Lygaeus total: 26
Lygodium total: 53
Lymantria total: 87
Lynx total: 599
Lyrurus total: 45
Lysiloma total: 48
Lysimachia total: 136
Lythrum total: 126
Mabuya total: 37
Macaca total: 117
Machaerium total: 50
Machilus total: 64
Maclura total: 34
Macrobrachium total: 56
Macrocystis total: 56
Macrolobium total: 67
Macromitrium total: 26
Macroptilium total: 31
Macropus total: 95
Macrotus total: 49
Magallana total: 39
Magnolia total: 351
Maianthemum total: 41
Malacoctenus total: 28
Malpighia total: 31
Malus total: 208
Malva total: 89
Mammillaria total: 298
Mandevilla total: 36
Mangifera total: 144
Manihot total: 259
Manilkara total: 82
Manis total: 78
Manta total: 47
Margaritifera total: 27
Marmosa total: 129
Marmosops total: 91
Marmota total: 95
Marsilea total: 135
Martes total: 145
Masdevallia total: 40
Masticophis total: 26
Mastigodryas total: 29
Matelea total: 53
Matisia total: 31
Matricaria total: 42
Mauritia total: 58
Maxillaria total: 32
Maytenus total: 77
Mazama total: 222
Medicago total: 288
Mediodactylus total: 29
Megaceryle total: 39
Megachile total: 114
Megapodius total: 34
Megaptera total: 110
Megascops total: 184
Megastomatohyla total: 34
Melaleuca total: 83
Melampyrum total: 35
Melanerpes total: 162
Melanitta total: 31
Melanophryniscus total: 53
Melanotaenia total: 32
Meleagris total: 126
Meles total: 84
Melia total: 69
Melica total: 52
Melicope total: 32
Melilotus total: 77
Melinis total: 104
Meliosma total: 100
Melipona total: 194
Melissodes total: 41
Melocactus total: 116
Melospiza total: 58
Melozone total: 65
Mentha total: 73
Mentzelia total: 27
Mephitis total: 86
Mercurialis total: 35
Mergus total: 73
Meriones total: 53
Merluccius total: 27
Mesembryanthemum total: 36
Mesoplodon total: 52
Mesosphaerum total: 26
Metallura total: 64
Metrosideros total: 45
Mico total: 35
Miconia total: 643
Micoureus total: 38
Micranthes total: 91
Micranthocereus total: 34
Micrastur total: 35
Microlophus total: 57
Micromeria total: 32
Micronycteris total: 67
Micropterus total: 136
Microstegium total: 27
Microtus total: 418
Micrurus total: 318
Mikania total: 29
Mikania total: 256
Milicia total: 27
Milvus total: 77
Mimon total: 54
Mimosa total: 470
Mimulus total: 37
Mimulus total: 71
Mimus total: 92
Miniopterus total: 34
Mionectes total: 27
Mirounga total: 28
Miscanthus total: 65
Mitella total: 28
Mixcoatlus total: 27
Mobula total: 26
Mola total: 39
Molossus total: 138
Molothrus total: 69
Momotus total: 54
Monachus total: 33
Monnina total: 28
Monodelphis total: 80
Monomorium total: 26
Monotes total: 27
Monticalia total: 28
Moraea total: 81
Morchella total: 28
Morella total: 61
Moricandia total: 31
Moringa total: 29
Mormoops total: 114
Morpho total: 43
Morus total: 29
Morus total: 48
Motacilla total: 66
Mucuna total: 26
Muehlenbeckia total: 35
Mugil total: 67
Muhlenbergia total: 130
Mus total: 148
Musa total: 105
Muscari total: 38
Musonycteris total: 41
Mustela total: 347
Mustelus total: 50
Mutisia total: 31
Mya total: 30
Myadestes total: 49
Mycteria total: 31
Mycteroperca total: 74
Myiarchus total: 67
Myioborus total: 49
Myiodynastes total: 26
Myiopsitta total: 147
Myiothlypis total: 36
Myocastor total: 94
Myodes total: 77
Myosotis total: 111
Myotis total: 1065
Myrceugenia total: 105
Myrcia total: 107
Myrcianthes total: 56
Myrica total: 30
Myricaria total: 32
Myriophyllum total: 149
Myrmeciza total: 32
Myrmecophaga total: 137
Myrmotherula total: 85
Myrsine total: 79
Myrtillocactus total: 27
Myrtus total: 30
Mytilus total: 81
Naja total: 58
Najas total: 65
Nanger total: 32
Narcissus total: 324
Nardus total: 29
Nasikabatrachus total: 41
Nassella total: 107
Nasturtium total: 34
Nasua total: 193
Nasuella total: 27
Natalus total: 87
Natrix total: 94
Navia total: 55
Neacomys total: 30
Nebria total: 29
Necromys total: 29
Nectandra total: 62
Neea total: 30
Nelumbo total: 26
Neobuxbaumia total: 59
Neodiprion total: 47
Neofelis total: 36
Neogobius total: 102
Neomorphus total: 39
Neomys total: 30
Neophron total: 97
Neoregelia total: 37
Neotoma total: 200
Neovison total: 128
Nepenthes total: 27
Nepeta total: 28
Nephelomys total: 37
Nephrolepis total: 67
Nerine total: 40
Nerita total: 33
Nicotiana total: 94
Nicrophorus total: 44
Nierembergia total: 35
Niviventer total: 35
Noccaea total: 49
Noctilio total: 95
Nolana total: 50
Nolina total: 91
Noronhia total: 112
Norops total: 32
Nothofagus total: 258
Nothoscordum total: 109
Notiosorex total: 29
Notocitellus total: 28
Notophthalmus total: 41
Notropis total: 64
Numenius total: 94
Nuphar total: 26
Nyctalus total: 113
Nyctereutes total: 42
Nyctibius total: 58
Nycticeius total: 27
Nycticorax total: 37
Nyctinomops total: 126
Nymphaea total: 93
Nymphalis total: 31
Nymphargus total: 49
Nymphoides total: 48
Nyssa total: 61
Ochotona total: 211
Ochthoeca total: 27
Ocimum total: 26
Ocotea total: 269
Octodon total: 42
Octopus total: 73
Odocoileus total: 544
Odontadenia total: 36
Odontophorus total: 60
Odorrana total: 66
Oecomys total: 33
Oenanthe total: 80
Oeneis total: 45
Oenocarpus total: 60
Oenothera total: 172
Olea total: 316
Olearia total: 52
Oligoryzomys total: 92
Omocestus total: 34
Oncidium total: 46
Oncorhynchus total: 208
Ondatra total: 37
Onobrychis total: 40
Ononis total: 112
Onopordum total: 39
Onthophagus total: 51
Onychomys total: 37
Oophaga total: 55
Opegrapha total: 88
Ophichthus total: 26
Ophioglossum total: 122
Ophryacus total: 41
Ophrys total: 400
Oplismenus total: 74
Opuntia total: 532
Orbicella total: 34
Orchis total: 110
Orcinus total: 147
Orconectes total: 52
Oreocharis total: 52
Oreochromis total: 306
Oreomunnea total: 64
Oreopanax total: 62
Oreophasis total: 38
Oreotrochilus total: 27
Ormosia total: 29
Ornithogalum total: 99
Ornithorhynchus total: 26
Orobanche total: 124
Ortalis total: 135
Orthogeomys total: 71
Orthophytum total: 48
Orthotrichia total: 52
Orthotrichum total: 39
Oryctolagus total: 126
Oryx total: 30
Oryza total: 279
Oryzomys total: 116
Osmia total: 54
Osmunda total: 34
Osteocephalus total: 31
Osteopilus total: 43
Ostrya total: 29
Otaria total: 33
Otiorhynchus total: 29
Otiorhynchus total: 71
Otospermophilus total: 65
Otus total: 94
Ovibos total: 28
Ovis total: 152
Oxalis total: 196
Oxybasis total: 34
Oxybelis total: 35
Oxymycterus total: 28
Oxypetalum total: 59
Oxypogon total: 32
Oxyrhopus total: 45
Oxytropis total: 55
Oxyura total: 64
Ozotoceros total: 29
Pachira total: 45
Pachycereus total: 72
Pachyramphus total: 75
Pacifastacus total: 40
Paeonia total: 28
Paepalanthus total: 47
Palicourea total: 71
Pan total: 86
Panax total: 42
Pancratium total: 41
Pandion total: 71
Panicum total: 234
Panthera total: 1832
Pantherophis total: 42
Panulirus total: 31
Papaver total: 129
Paphiopedilum total: 37
Papilio total: 157
Papio total: 38
Pappogeomys total: 31
Paraboea total: 53
Parabuteo total: 58
Paralabrax total: 28
Pararge total: 26
Parides total: 51
Parinari total: 27
Parkesia total: 33
Parkia total: 114
Parkinsonia total: 52
Parmelia total: 26
Parmotrema total: 29
Parnassius total: 80
Paroaria total: 39
Parodia total: 47
Partamona total: 74
Parthenium total: 78
Parus total: 95
Paspalum total: 353
Passer total: 305
Passerina total: 135
Passiflora total: 531
Patagioenas total: 103
Paullinia total: 27
Paulownia total: 32
Pavo total: 32
Pecari total: 156
Pedicularis total: 179
Pediocactus total: 27
Pelargonium total: 38
Pelecanus total: 53
Pellaea total: 31
Pelophylax total: 114
Peltigera total: 29
Peltogyne total: 27
Peltophryne total: 36
Penelope total: 187
Penstemon total: 523
Peperomia total: 110
Percina total: 42
Perdita total: 56
Perdix total: 33
Pereskia total: 51
Pericallis total: 43
Perimyotis total: 37
Perna total: 32
Perognathus total: 77
Peromyscus total: 860
Peropteryx total: 58
Persea total: 260
Persicaria total: 155
Pertusaria total: 55
Petasites total: 32
Petrochelidon total: 26
Petrocoptis total: 33
Petromyzon total: 35
Petunia total: 80
Peucaea total: 101
Peumus total: 29
Phacelia total: 76
Phaethon total: 27
Phaethornis total: 94
Phagnalon total: 43
Phalacrocorax total: 140
Phalaenopsis total: 31
Phalaris total: 114
Phalaropus total: 34
Pharomachrus total: 193
Phascolarctos total: 92
Phaseolus total: 205
Phasianus total: 51
Phegopteris total: 33
Pheidole total: 34
Phelipanche total: 32
Phelsuma total: 30
Phengaris total: 55
Pheucticus total: 33
Pheugopedius total: 48
Philander total: 61
Phillyrea total: 35
Philodendron total: 138
Philodryas total: 43
Philydor total: 32
Phlebotomus total: 36
Phlegmariurus total: 36
Phleum total: 77
Phlox total: 48
Phoca total: 33
Phocoena total: 150
Phoebis total: 83
Phoenicopterus total: 88
Phoenicurus total: 29
Phoenix total: 79
Phoradendron total: 63
Phoxinus total: 50
Phragmites total: 108
Phrygilus total: 31
Phrynobatrachus total: 37
Phrynocephalus total: 92
Phrynosoma total: 391
Phyllanthus total: 107
Phyllastrephus total: 30
Phyllobates total: 82
Phyllodactylus total: 173
Phyllodoce total: 28
Phyllomedusa total: 125
Phyllomyias total: 27
Phylloscartes total: 60
Phylloscopus total: 106
Phyllostomus total: 59
Phyllotis total: 33
Physalaemus total: 36
Physalia total: 28
Physalis total: 118
Physcia total: 56
Physeter total: 26
Phytelephas total: 34
Phyteuma total: 63
Phytolacca total: 54
Phytophthora total: 61
Phytotoma total: 36
Piaya total: 32
Pica total: 41
Picea total: 428
Picoides total: 155
Picris total: 28
Piculus total: 41
Picumnus total: 128
Picus total: 138
Pieris total: 113
Pilocarpus total: 33
Pilosella total: 210
Pilosocereus total: 149
Pimpinella total: 37
Pinguicula total: 251
Pinus total: 3177
Pionopsitta total: 28
Pionus total: 43
Piper total: 231
Pipilo total: 68
Pipistrellus total: 102
Pipra total: 36
Pipreola total: 26
Piranga total: 113
Pisidium total: 27
Pistacia total: 129
Pistia total: 38
Pisum total: 43
Pitangus total: 48
Pitcairnia total: 352
Pithecellobium total: 47
Pitta total: 43
Pittosporum total: 99
Pituophis total: 85
Pityophthorus total: 48
Plantago total: 414
Platalea total: 52
Platanthera total: 113
Platanus total: 47
Platymiscium total: 68
Platypus total: 30
Platyrrhinus total: 68
Platysteira total: 30
Plebeia total: 40
Plebejus total: 61
Plecotus total: 45
Plectrohyla total: 222
Plecturocebus total: 32
Plegadis total: 43
Pleopeltis total: 39
Plerandra total: 35
Pleroma total: 33
Plestiodon total: 224
Plethodon total: 283
Pleurodema total: 64
Pleurotus total: 26
Ploceus total: 45
Plumeria total: 42
Pluvialis total: 59
Poa total: 415
Pocillopora total: 41
Podarcis total: 124
Podiceps total: 77
Podilymbus total: 30
Podocarpus total: 388
Podocnemis total: 91
Poecile total: 101
Poecilia total: 89
Poecilimon total: 47
Poeciliopsis total: 30
Poicephalus total: 38
Polemonium total: 44
Polioptila total: 70
Polistes total: 76
Pollachius total: 63
Polybia total: 39
Polychrus total: 44
Polygala total: 78
Polygonatum total: 27
Polygonia total: 29
Polygonum total: 73
Polylepis total: 165
Polyommatus total: 141
Polyplectron total: 57
Polypodium total: 123
Polypogon total: 41
Polyscias total: 89
Polysiphonia total: 32
Polystichum total: 173
Pomacea total: 78
Pomatorhinus total: 41
Pongo total: 103
Poospiza total: 34
Populus total: 290
Porites total: 67
Porphyrio total: 66
Porpidia total: 39
Porthidium total: 79
Portulaca total: 70
Porzana total: 47
Posidonia total: 86
Potamogeton total: 192
Potamopyrgus total: 38
Potamotrygon total: 37
Potentilla total: 231
Potos total: 59
Pourouma total: 37
Pouteria total: 139
Pradosia total: 48
Primula total: 214
Prinia total: 52
Priodontes total: 56
Prionace total: 40
Prionailurus total: 56
Prionops total: 33
Prionotus total: 37
Pristimantis total: 738
Pristis total: 33
Procambarus total: 113
Prochilodus total: 53
Procnias total: 39
Procyon total: 263
Proechimys total: 70
Progne total: 43
Promops total: 32
Propithecus total: 30
Prosopis total: 428
Prosthechea total: 738
Protea total: 144
Protium total: 82
Protonotaria total: 32
Prumnopitys total: 53
Prunella total: 43
Prunella total: 38
Prunus total: 568
Psarocolius total: 33
Pseudacris total: 115
Pseudemys total: 42
Pseudepidalea total: 33
Pseudis total: 36
Pseudobatos total: 32
Pseudobombax total: 44
Pseudocolopteryx total: 124
Pseudoeurycea total: 385
Pseudolmedia total: 32
Pseudomyrmex total: 85
Pseudoplatystoma total: 31
Pseudorasbora total: 38
Pseudotriton total: 28
Pseudotsuga total: 121
Psidium total: 155
Psilocybe total: 64
Psilotum total: 66
Psittacanthus total: 70
Psittacula total: 166
Psophia total: 31
Psoralea total: 26
Psychotria total: 190
Pteridium total: 71
Pteris total: 85
Pterocarpus total: 96
Pterodroma total: 45
Pteroglossus total: 37
Pterois total: 195
Pteronia total: 57
Pteronotus total: 204
Pteronura total: 109
Pteropus total: 141
Pterygoplichthys total: 54
Ptychadena total: 38
Ptychohyla total: 58
Ptychomitrium total: 26
Puccinellia total: 94
Puccinia total: 55
Pudu total: 37
Pueraria total: 130
Puffinus total: 109
Pulicaria total: 26
Pulmonaria total: 29
Pulsatilla total: 59
Pulsatrix total: 37
Puma total: 1119
Punica total: 34
Puya total: 285
Pycnonotus total: 116
Pygeum total: 29
Pygoscelis total: 45
Pyrgus total: 35
Pyrocephalus total: 38
Pyroderus total: 26
Pyrola total: 42
Pyrrhura total: 93
Pyrus total: 144
Python total: 89
Quadrella total: 30
Quercus total: 3614
Quiscalus total: 93
Racinaea total: 48
Raja total: 53
Rallus total: 74
Ramalina total: 80
Ramphastos total: 127
Ramphocelus total: 29
Rana total: 193
Randia total: 38
Rangifer total: 127
Ranunculus total: 662
Raphanus total: 39
Rattus total: 240
Rauvolfia total: 33
Ravenea total: 41
Regulus total: 50
Reithrodontomys total: 230
Renealmia total: 116
Reseda total: 39
Retrophyllum total: 27
Reynoutria total: 150
Rhacophorus total: 39
Rhadinaea total: 62
Rhagoletis total: 95
Rhamnus total: 114
Rhaponticum total: 33
Rhea total: 39
Rheomys total: 31
Rheum total: 55
Rhincodon total: 139
Rhinella total: 365
Rhinoclemmys total: 65
Rhinolophus total: 194
Rhinophrynus total: 29
Rhinopoma total: 28
Rhipicephalus total: 73
Rhipidomys total: 26
Rhipidura total: 60
Rhipsalis total: 55
Rhizophora total: 244
Rhizoprionodon total: 30
Rhodiola total: 90
Rhododendron total: 437
Rhogeessa total: 126
Rhus total: 105
Rhynchonycteris total: 38
Rhynchopsitta total: 45
Rhynchosia total: 26
Rhynchospora total: 102
Riama total: 62
Ribes total: 124
Ricinus total: 163
Robinia total: 91
Romerolagus total: 207
Rorippa total: 62
Rosa total: 420
Rousettus total: 26
Rubus total: 580
Rudbeckia total: 41
Ruellia total: 196
Rumex total: 276
Rupicapra total: 43
Rupicola total: 63
Rupornis total: 26
Ruppia total: 39
Ruprechtia total: 34
Rusa total: 40
Russula total: 48
Sabal total: 58
Sabulina total: 29
Saccharina total: 29
Saccharum total: 110
Saccopteryx total: 72
Sagina total: 55
Sagittaria total: 100
Saguinus total: 175
Saimiri total: 58
Salamandra total: 81
Salicornia total: 45
Salix total: 681
Salmo total: 200
Saltator total: 75
Salvadora total: 44
Salvator total: 28
Salvelinus total: 115
Salvia total: 478
Salvinia total: 106
Sambucus total: 96
Sansevieria total: 27
Sapajus total: 102
Sapindus total: 28
Sapium total: 58
Sarcocapnos total: 35
Sarcomphalus total: 56
Sarcoramphus total: 39
Sardinella total: 33
Sargassum total: 169
Sarracenia total: 75
Satyrium total: 33
Saurauia total: 75
Sauromalus total: 48
Saxicola total: 33
Saxifraga total: 292
Sayornis total: 31
Scapania total: 50
Scaphiopus total: 44
Scaptotrigona total: 60
Scarus total: 41
Sceloporus total: 857
Schefflera total: 698
Schiedea total: 48
Schinopsis total: 68
Schinus total: 188
Schisandra total: 40
Schistidium total: 30
Schistocerca total: 32
Schoenoplectus total: 35
Scilla total: 149
Scinax total: 155
Scincella total: 78
Scirpus total: 56
Sciurus total: 589
Scleria total: 37
Sclerocactus total: 66
Sclerurus total: 38
Scolochloa total: 56
Scolopax total: 31
Scolopendra total: 26
Scolytus total: 109
Scomberomorus total: 40
Scorpaena total: 45
Scorzonera total: 53
Scorzoneroides total: 41
Scrophularia total: 57
Scutellaria total: 53
Scutiger total: 28
Scytalopus total: 65
Searsia total: 29
Sebastes total: 54
Secale total: 38
Sechium total: 36
Sedum total: 111
Selaginella total: 529
Selasphorus total: 102
Selenicereus total: 45
Sempervivum total: 56
Senecio total: 843
Senegalia total: 140
Senna total: 204
Sequoia total: 58
Seriola total: 38
Seriphidium total: 34
Serjania total: 28
Serranus total: 40
Sesbania total: 34
Setaria total: 117
Setophaga total: 374
Shorea total: 125
Sialia total: 42
Sibon total: 30
Sicyos total: 39
Sida total: 75
Sideritis total: 163
Sideroxylon total: 184
Sigmodon total: 137
Silene total: 601
Silurus total: 26
Simpsonichthys total: 38
Simulium total: 73
Sinapis total: 59
Sinningia total: 85
Sistrurus total: 70
Sisymbrium total: 61
Sisyrinchium total: 143
Sitta total: 168
Sloanea total: 43
Smilax total: 69
Smilisca total: 98
Socratea total: 38
Solanum total: 1562
Soldanella total: 30
Solenopsis total: 92
Solidago total: 203
Somateria total: 27
Sonchus total: 160
Sonneratia total: 34
Sophora total: 50
Sorbus total: 337
Sorex total: 310
Sorghum total: 220
Sparganium total: 106
Spathodea total: 63
Spea total: 73
Speothos total: 72
Speotyto total: 67
Spergularia total: 46
Spermophilus total: 53
Speyeria total: 66
Sphaerodactylus total: 142
Sphagneticola total: 45
Sphagnum total: 98
Spheniscus total: 97
Sphenomorphus total: 95
Sphiggurus total: 31
Sphoeroides total: 39
Sphyrapicus total: 38
Sphyrna total: 142
Spilogale total: 162
Spinus total: 105
Spiraea total: 118
Spiranthes total: 51
Spirodela total: 26
Spizaetus total: 112
Spizella total: 75
Spodoptera total: 111
Spondias total: 116
Sporobolus total: 261
Sporophila total: 130
Squalus total: 28
Squatina total: 37
Stachys total: 62
Staehelina total: 45
Stalachtis total: 27
Starksia total: 35
Stegastes total: 37
Stelis total: 32
Stellaria total: 108
Stellifer total: 27
Stenandrium total: 29
Stenella total: 95
Stenocactus total: 26
Stenocercus total: 119
Stenocereus total: 97
Stercorarius total: 49
Sterculia total: 31
Sterna total: 113
Sternula total: 53
Stevia total: 32
Stigmatura total: 42
Stipa total: 194
Stizophyllum total: 66
Strabomantis total: 42
Streptanthus total: 29
Streptocarpus total: 140
Streptopelia total: 147
Streptoprocne total: 35
Striga total: 35
Strix total: 137
Strophosoma total: 87
Strychnos total: 33
Sturnella total: 71
Sturnira total: 153
Sturnus total: 107
Styela total: 44
Stylosanthes total: 32
Styrax total: 84
Sula total: 66
Sus total: 342
Swartzia total: 30
Swietenia total: 113
Syagrus total: 118
Sylvia total: 164
Sylvilagus total: 328
Sympetrum total: 42
Symphoricarpos total: 29
Symphurus total: 42
Symphyotrichum total: 136
Symplocos total: 80
Synallaxis total: 97
Syncerus total: 44
Syngnathus total: 32
Syngonanthus total: 28
Syngonium total: 28
Syringa total: 53
Syrmaticus total: 44
Syzygium total: 177
Tabebuia total: 108
Tabernaemontana total: 59
Tachigali total: 42
Tachybaptus total: 33
Tachycineta total: 44
Tachyphonus total: 32
Tachysphex total: 82
Tadarida total: 120
Tadorna total: 26
Taeniatherum total: 26
Tagetes total: 59
Takydromus total: 52
Talipariti total: 27
Talpa total: 30
Tamandua total: 176
Tamarindus total: 36
Tamarix total: 180
Tamias total: 169
Tamiasciurus total: 88
Tanacetum total: 65
Tangara total: 173
Tantilla total: 93
Tapirella total: 142
Tapirira total: 31
Tapirus total: 215
Taraxacum total: 245
Tauraco total: 26
Taxidea total: 72
Taxodium total: 80
Taxus total: 167
Tayassu total: 122
Tecoma total: 92
Tectona total: 38
Telanthophora total: 44
Telmatobius total: 111
Tephroseris total: 40
Tephrosia total: 34
Terebra total: 28
Terminalia total: 180
Ternstroemia total: 39
Terrapene total: 107
Testudo total: 78
Tetraclinis total: 54
Tetraena total: 36
Tetrao total: 41
Tetraogallus total: 56
Tetrastes total: 34
Tetrastigma total: 27
Teucrium total: 174
Thalassarche total: 41
Thalictrum total: 58
Thalurania total: 48
Thamnomanes total: 36
Thamnophilus total: 118
Thamnophis total: 335
Thelocactus total: 27
Themeda total: 30
Theobroma total: 164
Thesium total: 38
Thinopyrum total: 31
Thomasomys total: 70
Thomomys total: 115
Thorius total: 148
Thraupis total: 72
Thryomanes total: 27
Thryophilus total: 34
Thuja total: 71
Thunbergia total: 88
Thunnus total: 128
Thylacinus total: 41
Thylamys total: 61
Thymelaea total: 27
Thymelicus total: 26
Thymus total: 154
Thyroptera total: 47
Tibouchina total: 43
Tigridia total: 38
Tilia total: 93
Tillandsia total: 690
Tinamus total: 43
Tiquilia total: 27
Tithonia total: 66
Tlacuatzin total: 57
Tlalocohyla total: 61
Tockus total: 44
Tolmomyias total: 26
Tomicus total: 38
Toona total: 31
Toxicodendron total: 29
Toxostoma total: 102
Trachemys total: 189
Trachops total: 31
Trachurus total: 32
Trachycarpus total: 26
Trachycephalus total: 44
Trachylepis total: 88
Trachypithecus total: 37
Tradescantia total: 68
Tragelaphus total: 68
Tragopan total: 38
Tragopogon total: 57
Trapa total: 34
Trema total: 56
Tremarctos total: 449
Triaenodon total: 27
Triatoma total: 128
Trichechus total: 121
Trichilia total: 77
Tricholoma total: 54
Trichomycterus total: 63
Trichosurus total: 40
Trifolium total: 497
Trigona total: 49
Trillium total: 63
Tringa total: 98
Triodia total: 27
Triplaris total: 49
Tripleurospermum total: 34
Tripsacum total: 47
Trisetum total: 51
Triticum total: 200
Triturus total: 63
Trochalopteron total: 29
Troglodytes total: 73
Trogon total: 198
Tropaeolum total: 59
Tropidurus total: 49
Truncatoflabellum total: 31
Tsuga total: 80
Tubastraea total: 28
Tuber total: 50
Tulipa total: 99
Turbinicarpus total: 34
Turdus total: 389
Turnera total: 39
Turpinia total: 68
Tursiops total: 159
Tussilago total: 27
Tylomys total: 31
Tylototriton total: 29
Tympanuchus total: 37
Typha total: 72
Typhlops total: 46
Tyrannus total: 115
Tyto total: 126
Uca total: 26
Ulex total: 248
Ulmus total: 136
Ulva total: 56
Uma total: 46
Uncia total: 63
Undaria total: 54
Urena total: 32
Urocissa total: 32
Urocitellus total: 112
Urocyon total: 137
Uroderma total: 57
Urosaurus total: 59
Urotrygon total: 35
Ursus total: 1081
Urtica total: 63
Usnea total: 37
Uta total: 47
Utricularia total: 104
Vaccinium total: 235
Vachellia total: 394
Valeriana total: 137
Valerianella total: 60
Vallisneria total: 42
Vampyressa total: 29
Vampyrodes total: 27
Vampyrum total: 59
Vanellus total: 77
Vanessa total: 81
Vanilla total: 147
Varanus total: 183
Varronia total: 38
Vasconcellea total: 63
Vella total: 68
Verbascum total: 71
Verbena total: 50
Verbesina total: 45
Vermivora total: 48
Vernonia total: 37
Veronica total: 364
Vespa total: 93
Vespula total: 53
Viburnum total: 602
Vicia total: 331
Vicugna total: 57
Vigna total: 446
Vinca total: 32
Vincetoxicum total: 43
Viola total: 214
Vipera total: 143
Vireo total: 251
Virola total: 80
Viscum total: 32
Vismia total: 37
Vitellaria total: 39
Vitex total: 95
Vitis total: 235
Vochysia total: 43
Vriesea total: 160
Vulpes total: 501
Vulpia total: 94
Vultur total: 208
Washingtonia total: 47
Weinmannia total: 110
Werauhia total: 114
Withania total: 29
Woodsia total: 35
Xanthium total: 79
Xanthosoma total: 67
Xantusia total: 56
Xenopus total: 74
Xenospiza total: 28
Xerospermophilus total: 54
Xiphocolaptes total: 45
Xiphophorus total: 37
Xiphorhynchus total: 69
Xyleborus total: 139
Xylocopa total: 111
Xylopia total: 50
Xylosandrus total: 33
Xylosma total: 26
Xyris total: 26
Xysticus total: 40
Yucca total: 156
Zalophus total: 74
Zamia total: 140
Zannichellia total: 48
Zanthoxylum total: 125
Zapus total: 28
Zea total: 216
Zelkova total: 39
Zenaida total: 71
Zephyranthes total: 34
Zingiber total: 38
Ziziphus total: 93
Zonotrichia total: 116
Zootoca total: 60
Zostera total: 150
Zosterops total: 71
Zygaena total: 70
Abrocomidae total: 48
Acanthaceae total: 1308
Acanthuridae total: 124
Acarosporaceae total: 30
Acartiidae total: 39
Accipitridae total: 2833
Achariaceae total: 41
Achatinidae total: 150
Achiridae total: 40
Acipenseridae total: 85
Acoraceae total: 28
Acrididae total: 345
Acrocephalidae total: 68
Acroporidae total: 116
Actinidiaceae total: 177
Actiniidae total: 55
Adelgidae total: 31
Adoxaceae total: 755
Aegithalidae total: 60
Aeshnidae total: 128
Agamidae total: 505
Agaricaceae total: 113
Agariciidae total: 79
Agromyzidae total: 27
Ailuridae total: 80
Aizoaceae total: 281
Alariaceae total: 70
Alaudidae total: 181
Alcedinidae total: 219
Alcidae total: 144
Alepocephalidae total: 46
Aleyrodidae total: 56
Alismataceae total: 293
Alligatoridae total: 165
Alopiidae total: 45
Alpheidae total: 89
Alstroemeriaceae total: 165
Altingiaceae total: 54
Alytidae total: 93
Amanitaceae total: 161
Amaranthaceae total: 1779
Amaryllidaceae total: 1697
Ambassidae total: 33
Amblystegiaceae total: 67
Ambystomatidae total: 663
Amphinomidae total: 35
Amphisbaenidae total: 128
Ampullariidae total: 90
Anablepidae total: 30
Anacardiaceae total: 1254
Anatidae total: 1789
Andrenidae total: 519
Anemiaceae total: 33
Anguidae total: 545
Anguillidae total: 91
Anhingidae total: 28
Annonaceae total: 767
Anostomidae total: 81
Antennariidae total: 58
Antilocapridae total: 116
Anyphaenidae total: 34
Aotidae total: 123
Aphididae total: 224
Aphodiidae total: 64
Apiaceae total: 1804
Apidae total: 3242
Apocynaceae total: 1866
Apodanthaceae total: 28
Apodidae total: 194
Apogonidae total: 98
Apteronotidae total: 40
Apterygidae total: 290
Aquifoliaceae total: 360
Araceae total: 984
Aradidae total: 38
Araliaceae total: 1335
Araneidae total: 135
Araucariaceae total: 392
Archaeidae total: 67
Arcidae total: 57
Arctiidae total: 149
Ardeidae total: 723
Arecaceae total: 3428
Argasidae total: 27
Arhynchobatidae total: 72
Ariidae total: 109
Arionidae total: 76
Aristolochiaceae total: 166
Aromobatidae total: 117
Arthoniaceae total: 91
Arthroleptidae total: 139
Asparagaceae total: 2544
Asphodelaceae total: 254
Aspleniaceae total: 589
Astacidae total: 82
Asteraceae total: 14518
Asteriidae total: 48
Astroblepidae total: 41
Astrocoeniidae total: 30
Atelidae total: 942
Atherinidae total: 30
Atherinopsidae total: 98
Atherospermataceae total: 27
Athyriaceae total: 131
Atyidae total: 37
Bagridae total: 64
Balaenidae total: 74
Balaenopteridae total: 349
Balanidae total: 57
Balanophoraceae total: 32
Balistidae total: 64
Balsaminaceae total: 170
Bartramiaceae total: 34
Basellaceae total: 57
Batrachoididae total: 84
Begoniaceae total: 314
Belonidae total: 60
Berberidaceae total: 346
Betulaceae total: 937
Bignoniaceae total: 1007
Bipedidae total: 31
Bixaceae total: 91
Blattidae total: 30
Blechnaceae total: 113
Blenniidae total: 169
Boidae total: 312
Boletaceae total: 96
Bolinopsidae total: 29
Bombinatoridae total: 63
Bombycillidae total: 46
Bonnemaisoniaceae total: 32
Boraginaceae total: 673
Bostrichidae total: 58
Bothidae total: 77
Bovidae total: 1329
Brachycephalidae total: 44
Brachytheciaceae total: 172
Braconidae total: 45
Bradypodidae total: 206
Bramidae total: 27
Brassicaceae total: 4123
Bromeliaceae total: 3126
Brunelliaceae total: 32
Bryaceae total: 131
Bryconidae total: 90
Buccinidae total: 37
Bucconidae total: 83
Bucerotidae total: 194
Buddlejaceae total: 35
Bufonidae total: 1979
Buprestidae total: 95
Burmanniaceae total: 55
Burseraceae total: 676
Buthidae total: 146
Buxaceae total: 105
Bythitidae total: 74
Cabombaceae total: 78
Cactaceae total: 3759
Caeciliidae total: 111
Caenolestidae total: 56
Calanidae total: 38
Calcariidae total: 29
Calceolariaceae total: 75
Callichthyidae total: 63
Callionymidae total: 57
Calliphoridae total: 74
Callitrichidae total: 499
Calomyscidae total: 44
Calophyllaceae total: 97
Calopterygidae total: 75
Calyptraeidae total: 28
Camaenidae total: 56
Cambaridae total: 284
Camelidae total: 139
Campanulaceae total: 626
Campephagidae total: 28
Cancridae total: 43
Candelariaceae total: 45
Canellaceae total: 36
Canidae total: 2639
Cannabaceae total: 422
Cannaceae total: 33
Cantharidae total: 41
Capparaceae total: 220
Caprellidae total: 26
Caprifoliaceae total: 581
Caprimulgidae total: 230
Carabidae total: 902
Carangidae total: 375
Carcharhinidae total: 473
Cardiidae total: 79
Cardinalidae total: 364
Cardiopteridaceae total: 40
Caricaceae total: 150
Caryocaraceae total: 61
Caryophyllaceae total: 1899
Caryophylliidae total: 53
Castoridae total: 166
Casuariidae total: 29
Casuarinaceae total: 100
Cathartidae total: 484
Catostomidae total: 93
Caulerpaceae total: 144
Caviidae total: 266
Cebidae total: 265
Cecidomyiidae total: 30
Celastraceae total: 429
Centrarchidae total: 215
Centrolenidae total: 366
Centropomidae total: 44
Cephalotaxaceae total: 52
Cerambycidae total: 406
Ceramiaceae total: 27
Ceratophryidae total: 225
Ceratophyllaceae total: 35
Ceratopogonidae total: 28
Cercopithecidae total: 424
Certhiidae total: 56
Cervidae total: 1682
Cetoniidae total: 67
Cettiidae total: 38
Chaenopsidae total: 166
Chaetodontidae total: 113
Chamaeleonidae total: 135
Channidae total: 66
Characeae total: 47
Characidae total: 360
Charadriidae total: 283
Chelidae total: 82
Cheloniidae total: 446
Chelydridae total: 56
Chinchillidae total: 95
Chironomidae total: 69
Chloranthaceae total: 177
Chordariaceae total: 38
Chrysobalanaceae total: 173
Chrysomelidae total: 520
Chrysopidae total: 29
Cibotiaceae total: 26
Cicadellidae total: 113
Cicadidae total: 36
Cichlidae total: 904
Ciconiidae total: 197
Cinclidae total: 40
Cirolanidae total: 28
Cistaceae total: 435
Cisticolidae total: 97
Cladoniaceae total: 125
Clariidae total: 63
Clausiliidae total: 39
Cleomaceae total: 74
Clethraceae total: 163
Clupeidae total: 301
Clusiaceae total: 440
Cobitidae total: 92
Coccinellidae total: 259
Codiaceae total: 60
Coenagrionidae total: 300
Colchicaceae total: 167
Collemataceae total: 51
Colletidae total: 149
Colubridae total: 1385
Columbidae total: 822
Combretaceae total: 417
Commelinaceae total: 253
Congridae total: 81
Conidae total: 32
Conopophagidae total: 41
Convolvulaceae total: 802
Corallinaceae total: 41
Corduliidae total: 51
Cordylidae total: 65
Coreidae total: 31
Corixidae total: 30
Cornaceae total: 345
Cortinariaceae total: 149
Corvidae total: 836
Coryphaenidae total: 34
Corytophanidae total: 106
Costaceae total: 76
Cotingidae total: 541
Cottidae total: 74
Crabronidae total: 158
Cracidae total: 622
Crambidae total: 112
Crassulaceae total: 729
Craugastoridae total: 369
Crenuchidae total: 42
Cricetidae total: 3875
Crocodylidae total: 361
Crotaphytidae total: 116
Cryptobranchidae total: 68
Ctenomyidae total: 64
Cuculidae total: 308
Cucurbitaceae total: 580
Culcitaceae total: 52
Culicidae total: 1283
Cuniculidae total: 135
Cunoniaceae total: 176
Cupressaceae total: 1620
Curculionidae total: 71
Curculionidae total: 1655
Curimatidae total: 91
Cyatheaceae total: 373
Cycadaceae total: 98
Cyclopedidae total: 67
Cyclopidae total: 27
Cycloramphidae total: 168
Cymodoceaceae total: 106
Cynoglossidae total: 83
Cyperaceae total: 2372
Cyprinidae total: 1227
Cyprinodontidae total: 63
Cystopteridaceae total: 114
Dactyloidae total: 1179
Dactyloscopidae total: 52
Daphniidae total: 37
Dasyatidae total: 148
Dasypodidae total: 536
Dasyproctidae total: 163
Dasyuridae total: 60
Davalliaceae total: 29
Delphinidae total: 666
Dendrobatidae total: 623
Dendrophylliidae total: 44
Dennstaedtiaceae total: 124
Dermatemydidae total: 30
Dermestidae total: 32
Dermochelyidae total: 115
Desmidiaceae total: 31
Diadematidae total: 35
Dianemataceae total: 33
Diapensiaceae total: 26
Dichapetalaceae total: 33
Dicksoniaceae total: 85
Dicranaceae total: 213
Dicroglossidae total: 98
Dictyotaceae total: 43
Didelphidae total: 1066
Didemnidae total: 46
Didiereaceae total: 32
Dilleniaceae total: 57
Dinomyidae total: 37
Diodontidae total: 45
Diogenidae total: 30
Diomedeidae total: 121
Dioscoreaceae total: 278
Diplodactylidae total: 32
Diploglossidae total: 85
Dipodidae total: 119
Diprionidae total: 52
Dipsacaceae total: 143
Dipsadidae total: 1050
Dipterocarpaceae total: 382
Ditrichaceae total: 27
Donacidae total: 160
Dreissenidae total: 127
Droseraceae total: 147
Dryophthoridae total: 62
Dryopteridaceae total: 593
Dynastidae total: 95
Dytiscidae total: 156
Ebenaceae total: 202
Echeneidae total: 37
Echimyidae total: 204
Ehretiaceae total: 298
Elaeagnaceae total: 135
Elaeocarpaceae total: 140
Elapidae total: 736
Elateridae total: 43
Elatinaceae total: 42
Eleotridae total: 99
Elephantidae total: 461
Eleutherodactylidae total: 444
Elmidae total: 54
Emballonuridae total: 384
Emberizidae total: 1753
Emydidae total: 602
Engraulidae total: 171
Entolomataceae total: 29
Ephedraceae total: 292
Equidae total: 199
Equisetaceae total: 237
Erebidae total: 161
Erethistidae total: 43
Erethizontidae total: 121
Ericaceae total: 1797
Erinaceidae total: 117
Eriocaulaceae total: 170
Erysiphaceae total: 55
Erythrinidae total: 26
Erythroxylaceae total: 104
Escalloniaceae total: 92
Eschrichtiidae total: 69
Esocidae total: 209
Estrildidae total: 232
Etmopteridae total: 52
Eublepharidae total: 80
Eulophidae total: 83
Eumenidae total: 164
Eunicidae total: 26
Euphorbiaceae total: 2705
Exocoetidae total: 90
Fabaceae total: 14343
Fagaceae total: 4154
Falconidae total: 692
Felidae total: 5108
Fissidentaceae total: 38
Flabellidae total: 33
Formicariidae total: 43
Formicidae total: 1125
Fouquieriaceae total: 68
Fregatidae total: 47
Fringillidae total: 823
Fucaceae total: 102
Funariaceae total: 36
Fundulidae total: 51
Furipteridae total: 32
Furnariidae total: 1008
Gadidae total: 271
Galatheidae total: 27
Galaxiidae total: 49
Galbulidae total: 31
Gammaridae total: 50
Gasterosteidae total: 35
Gaviidae total: 56
Gecarcinidae total: 28
Gekkonidae total: 1006
Gelechiidae total: 48
Gelidiaceae total: 31
Gempylidae total: 27
Gentianaceae total: 476
Geoemydidae total: 135
Geometridae total: 211
Geomitridae total: 38
Geomyidae total: 349
Geraniaceae total: 425
Gerreidae total: 81
Gerrhosauridae total: 32
Gesneriaceae total: 1280
Gigartinaceae total: 34
Ginglymostomatidae total: 27
Ginkgoaceae total: 57
Giraffidae total: 289
Gleicheniaceae total: 58
Gliridae total: 87
Glycymerididae total: 51
Gobiesocidae total: 90
Gobiidae total: 762
Gomphidae total: 94
Gonostomatidae total: 44
Goodeidae total: 46
Gracilariaceae total: 35
Gracillariidae total: 37
Grallariidae total: 155
Grammatidae total: 28
Graphidaceae total: 47
Grimmiaceae total: 98
Grossulariaceae total: 131
Gruidae total: 238
Gryllidae total: 26
Gryllotalpidae total: 27
Gunneraceae total: 57
Gymnophthalmidae total: 291
Gymnuridae total: 51
Haematopodidae total: 44
Haemulidae total: 150
Halictidae total: 200
Haloragaceae total: 171
Halymeniaceae total: 42
Hamamelidaceae total: 82
Helicidae total: 110
Heliconiaceae total: 310
Helicopsychidae total: 51
Heliotropiaceae total: 77
Helodermatidae total: 117
Helotiaceae total: 67
Hemerobiidae total: 38
Hemiphractidae total: 208
Hemiramphidae total: 55
Heptapteridae total: 74
Herpestidae total: 183
Hesperiidae total: 508
Heteromyidae total: 812
Hippolytidae total: 55
Hippopotamidae total: 72
Hipposideridae total: 72
Hirundinidae total: 307
Holocentridae total: 34
Hominidae total: 321
Hoplichthyidae total: 28
Humiriaceae total: 55
Hyaenidae total: 133
Hyaloscyphaceae total: 43
Hydrangeaceae total: 92
Hydrobatidae total: 49
Hydrobiidae total: 36
Hydrocharitaceae total: 517
Hydrophyllaceae total: 120
Hydroptilidae total: 62
Hygrophoraceae total: 57
Hylidae total: 2742
Hylobatidae total: 68
Hylodidae total: 28
Hymenochaetaceae total: 49
Hymenophyllaceae total: 165
Hynobiidae total: 69
Hypericaceae total: 357
Hyperoliidae total: 191
Hyperoodontidae total: 95
Hypnaceae total: 94
Icacinaceae total: 102
Ichneumonidae total: 82
Ictaluridae total: 181
Icteridae total: 557
Iguanidae total: 482
Indriidae total: 51
Iniidae total: 109
Ipnopidae total: 35
Iridaceae total: 1119
Irvingiaceae total: 48
Isoetaceae total: 197
Istiophoridae total: 73
Ixodidae total: 376
Jacanidae total: 28
Juglandaceae total: 339
Juncaceae total: 531
Juncaginaceae total: 27
Kinosternidae total: 240
Kyphosidae total: 50
Labridae total: 267
Labrisomidae total: 120
Lacertidae total: 912
Lachnaceae total: 37
Lamiaceae total: 2394
Laminariaceae total: 196
Lamnidae total: 181
Lamprophiidae total: 69
Laniidae total: 98
Lardizabalaceae total: 30
Laridae total: 670
Lasiocampidae total: 58
Lauraceae total: 1691
Lauxaniidae total: 105
Lecanoraceae total: 163
Lecideaceae total: 69
Lecythidaceae total: 386
Leiocephalidae total: 85
Leiopelmatidae total: 37
Leiosauridae total: 29
Leiothrichidae total: 244
Leiuperidae total: 181
Lejeuneaceae total: 37
Lemuridae total: 128
Lentibulariaceae total: 364
Lepidoziaceae total: 30
Lepisosteidae total: 39
Leporidae total: 1191
Leptodactylidae total: 416
Leptotyphlopidae total: 59
Leskeaceae total: 36
Lessoniaceae total: 34
Lestidae total: 31
Libellulidae total: 289
Liceaceae total: 42
Liliaceae total: 554
Linaceae total: 163
Linderniaceae total: 50
Lindsaeaceae total: 31
Linnaeaceae total: 54
Linyphiidae total: 40
Liocranidae total: 30
Liolaemidae total: 265
Lithodidae total: 33
Littorinidae total: 46
Liviidae total: 26
Loasaceae total: 130
Lobariaceae total: 51
Locustellidae total: 31
Loganiaceae total: 68
Loliginidae total: 46
Lomariopsidaceae total: 76
Lophoziaceae total: 37
Loranthaceae total: 278
Loricariidae total: 231
Lucanidae total: 34
Lucinidae total: 62
Lumbricidae total: 84
Lutjanidae total: 193
Lycaenidae total: 958
Lycopodiaceae total: 276
Lycosidae total: 57
Lygaeidae total: 73
Lygodiaceae total: 58
Lymnaeidae total: 49
Lyophyllaceae total: 56
Lythraceae total: 353
Macropodidae total: 201
Macroscelididae total: 32
Macrouridae total: 100
Magnoliaceae total: 397
Malacanthidae total: 35
Malaconotidae total: 30
Malpighiaceae total: 325
Malvaceae total: 2851
Manidae total: 84
Mantellidae total: 27
Mantidae total: 45
Marantaceae total: 100
Marasmiaceae total: 27
Marattiaceae total: 37
Margaritiferidae total: 27
Marsileaceae total: 163
Megachilidae total: 407
Megalonychidae total: 124
Megalopidae total: 29
Megapodiidae total: 64
Megophryidae total: 114
Melamphaidae total: 27
Melanotaeniidae total: 39
Melanthiaceae total: 107
Melastomataceae total: 1573
Meliaceae total: 899
Meliphagidae total: 45
Melittidae total: 32
Meloidae total: 27
Melolonthidae total: 56
Membracidae total: 42
Menispermaceae total: 141
Menyanthaceae total: 69
Mephitidae total: 402
Merlucciidae total: 31
Merulinidae total: 55
Microbiotheriidae total: 35
Microdesmidae total: 29
Microhylidae total: 262
Mimidae total: 147
Miniopteridae total: 35
Miridae total: 52
Mniaceae total: 43
Molgulidae total: 38
Molidae total: 48
Molluginaceae total: 41
Molossidae total: 695
Momotidae total: 83
Monacanthidae total: 66
Monarchidae total: 92
Monimiaceae total: 77
Monodontidae total: 80
Montiaceae total: 135
Moraceae total: 1185
Morchellaceae total: 38
Moridae total: 26
Moringaceae total: 35
Mormoopidae total: 332
Moronidae total: 42
Motacillidae total: 163
Mugilidae total: 173
Mullidae total: 53
Muraenidae total: 156
Muricidae total: 123
Muridae total: 1030
Musaceae total: 135
Muscicapidae total: 825
Musophagidae total: 48
Mussidae total: 107
Mustelidae total: 1710
Mycosphaerellaceae total: 49
Myctophidae total: 246
Myidae total: 31
Myliobatidae total: 144
Myobatrachidae total: 79
Myocastoridae total: 95
Myricaceae total: 112
Myristicaceae total: 190
Myrmecophagidae total: 318
Myrmeleontidae total: 26
Myrtaceae total: 2014
Mysidae total: 48
Mytilidae total: 222
Myxinidae total: 29
Narcinidae total: 53
Nasikabatrachidae total: 41
Natalidae total: 100
Natricidae total: 499
Nectariniidae total: 79
Nectriaceae total: 47
Nelumbonaceae total: 32
Nemacheilidae total: 61
Nepenthaceae total: 30
Nephropidae total: 28
Nereididae total: 49
Neritidae total: 59
Noctilionidae total: 102
Noctuidae total: 431
Nomeidae total: 27
Nothofagaceae total: 273
Notodontidae total: 47
Nototheniidae total: 55
Numididae total: 27
Nyctaginaceae total: 226
Nyctibiidae total: 59
Nymphaeaceae total: 168
Nymphalidae total: 2229
Nyssaceae total: 94
Ochnaceae total: 67
Ochotonidae total: 214
Octodontidae total: 64
Octopodidae total: 85
Oculinidae total: 31
Ocypodidae total: 31
Odontaspididae total: 33
Odontophoridae total: 377
Ogcocephalidae total: 51
Oleaceae total: 1076
Ommastrephidae total: 51
Omphalotaceae total: 33
Onagraceae total: 794
Onocleaceae total: 27
Ophichthidae total: 145
Ophidiasteridae total: 40
Ophidiidae total: 134
Ophioglossaceae total: 327
Opistognathidae total: 32
Orchidaceae total: 5962
Oriolidae total: 27
Ornithorhynchidae total: 28
Orobanchaceae total: 744
Orthotrichaceae total: 81
Osmeridae total: 30
Osmundaceae total: 61
Osphronemidae total: 61
Ostraciidae total: 60
Ostreidae total: 92
Otariidae total: 215
Otididae total: 56
Oxalidaceae total: 220
Paeoniaceae total: 30
Palaemonidae total: 89
Palinuridae total: 50
Pandanaceae total: 45
Pandionidae total: 75
Panopeidae total: 39
Papaveraceae total: 412
Papilionidae total: 495
Paradisaeidae total: 26
Paralepididae total: 31
Paralichthyidae total: 116
Parastacidae total: 52
Paridae total: 318
Parmeliaceae total: 407
Parodontidae total: 44
Parulidae total: 1051
Passeridae total: 358
Passifloraceae total: 567
Paulowniaceae total: 32
Pectinidae total: 185
Pedaliaceae total: 32
Pelagiidae total: 27
Pelecanidae total: 59
Pellorneidae total: 88
Peltigeraceae total: 32
Penaeidae total: 165
Pentaphylacaceae total: 91
Pentatomidae total: 201
Percidae total: 205
Peronosporaceae total: 97
Pertusariaceae total: 60
Petroicidae total: 29
Petromyzontidae total: 82
Phaethontidae total: 27
Phalacrocoracidae total: 177
Phalangeridae total: 53
Phascolarctidae total: 92
Phasianidae total: 1667
Phocidae total: 204
Phocoenidae total: 158
Phoenicopteridae total: 120
Phoridae total: 56
Phrymaceae total: 321
Phrynobatrachidae total: 38
Phrynosomatidae total: 1491
Phyllanthaceae total: 364
Phyllodactylidae total: 249
Phylloscopidae total: 114
Phyllostomidae total: 3010
Physalacriaceae total: 32
Physaliidae total: 28
Physaraceae total: 27
Physciaceae total: 257
Physeteridae total: 27
Phytolaccaceae total: 94
Picidae total: 1094
Picrodendraceae total: 41
Pieridae total: 553
Pimelodidae total: 110
Pinaceae total: 5055
Piperaceae total: 363
Pipidae total: 95
Pipridae total: 240
Pitheciidae total: 143
Pittidae total: 46
Pittosporaceae total: 121
Plakobranchidae total: 45
Planorbidae total: 70
Plantaginaceae total: 2289
Platanaceae total: 50
Platysteiridae total: 74
Pleosporaceae total: 27
Plethodontidae total: 1644
Pleuronectidae total: 67
Pleurotaceae total: 30
Ploceidae total: 108
Plumbaginaceae total: 640
Poaceae total: 12150
Pocilloporidae total: 46
Podicipedidae total: 176
Podocarpaceae total: 659
Podocnemididae total: 93
Podostemaceae total: 74
Poeciliidae total: 353
Polemoniaceae total: 236
Polioptilidae total: 83
Polychrotidae total: 82
Polycitoridae total: 30
Polyclinidae total: 27
Polygalaceae total: 189
Polygonaceae total: 1259
Polygyridae total: 34
Polynemidae total: 34
Polynoidae total: 30
Polypodiaceae total: 531
Polyporaceae total: 84
Polytrichaceae total: 57
Pomacanthidae total: 47
Pomacentridae total: 317
Pompilidae total: 58
Pontederiaceae total: 251
Poritidae total: 68
Portulacaceae total: 76
Portunidae total: 152
Posidoniaceae total: 88
Potamogetonaceae total: 309
Potamotrygonidae total: 48
Potoroidae total: 28
Pottiaceae total: 196
Primulaceae total: 835
Prionopidae total: 33
Pristidae total: 40
Pristigasteridae total: 36
Procaviidae total: 35
Procellariidae total: 216
Prochilodontidae total: 73
Procyonidae total: 738
Proteaceae total: 636
Prunellidae total: 44
Pseudococcidae total: 33
Psilotaceae total: 72
Psittacidae total: 2237
Psophiidae total: 32
Psychodidae total: 169
Pteridaceae total: 731
Pteriidae total: 27
Pteroclididae total: 27
Pterophoridae total: 48
Pteropodidae total: 486
Ptilogonatidae total: 46
Ptychadenidae total: 40
Ptychomitriaceae total: 28
Pucciniaceae total: 79
Putranjivaceae total: 40
Pycnonotidae total: 197
Pyralidae total: 62
Pyrgomorphidae total: 31
Pyronemataceae total: 26
Pythonidae total: 119
Pyuridae total: 28
Pyxicephalidae total: 49
Rafflesiaceae total: 29
Rajidae total: 211
Rallidae total: 473
Ramalinaceae total: 114
Ramphastidae total: 387
Ranidae total: 1294
Ranunculaceae total: 1587
Recurvirostridae total: 60
Reduviidae total: 235
Regulidae total: 55
Resedaceae total: 53
Restionaceae total: 48
Rhacophoridae total: 101
Rhamnaceae total: 728
Rheidae total: 43
Rhincodontidae total: 142
Rhinobatidae total: 62
Rhinocerotidae total: 146
Rhinocryptidae total: 128
Rhinolophidae total: 199
Rhinophrynidae total: 31
Rhinopomatidae total: 28
Rhizophoraceae total: 361
Rhodomelaceae total: 113
Riodinidae total: 64
Rivulidae total: 227
Roccellaceae total: 135
Rosaceae total: 4484
Rubiaceae total: 2658
Ruppiaceae total: 41
Russulaceae total: 161
Rutaceae total: 773
Rutelidae total: 43
Sabellidae total: 44
Sabiaceae total: 105
Salamandridae total: 433
Salicaceae total: 1225
Salmonidae total: 619
Salticidae total: 94
Salviniaceae total: 256
Santalaceae total: 255
Sapindaceae total: 1360
Sapotaceae total: 758
Sargassaceae total: 227
Sarraceniaceae total: 94
Saturniidae total: 114
Saxifragaceae total: 601
Scapaniaceae total: 60
Scaphiopodidae total: 120
Scarabaeidae total: 416
Scaridae total: 80
Schilbeidae total: 32
Schisandraceae total: 121
Schizaeaceae total: 38
Schizoporaceae total: 26
Sciaenidae total: 398
Scincidae total: 1073
Sciuridae total: 1967
Scolopacidae total: 831
Scolopendridae total: 46
Scombridae total: 271
Scorpaenidae total: 298
Scrophulariaceae total: 520
Scyliorhinidae total: 100
Sebastidae total: 65
Selaginellaceae total: 536
Sematophyllaceae total: 31
Semelidae total: 59
Semelidae total: 27
Serpulidae total: 91
Serranidae total: 575
Serrasalmidae total: 85
Sicariidae total: 52
Silphidae total: 89
Siluridae total: 45
Simaroubaceae total: 208
Simuliidae total: 80
Sirenidae total: 27
Sisoridae total: 127
Sittidae total: 175
Smilacaceae total: 79
Solanaceae total: 3045
Soleidae total: 44
Solieriaceae total: 34
Soricidae total: 962
Sparidae total: 151
Sphaeriidae total: 49
Sphaerodactylidae total: 288
Sphagnaceae total: 98
Sphecidae total: 39
Spheniscidae total: 260
Sphingidae total: 123
Sphyraenidae total: 26
Sphyrnidae total: 148
Spionidae total: 60
Spiraxidae total: 39
Squalidae total: 31
Squatinidae total: 38
Staphyleaceae total: 81
Staphylinidae total: 66
Stercorariidae total: 51
Stereocaulaceae total: 27
Sternoptychidae total: 27
Stomiidae total: 171
Strabomantidae total: 842
Strigidae total: 1091
Strongylocentrotidae total: 34
Strophariaceae total: 85
Sturnidae total: 476
Styelidae total: 92
Styracaceae total: 115
Suidae total: 439
Sulidae total: 97
Syllidae total: 36
Sylviidae total: 243
Symplocaceae total: 87
Synbranchidae total: 36
Syngnathidae total: 322
Synodontidae total: 51
Syrphidae total: 71
Tabanidae total: 92
Tachinidae total: 30
Talpidae total: 124
Tamaricaceae total: 218
Tapiridae total: 377
Tateidae total: 41
Taxaceae total: 228
Tayassuidae total: 307
Tectariaceae total: 32
Teiidae total: 766
Teloschistaceae total: 165
Temoridae total: 29
Tenebrionidae total: 62
Tephritidae total: 368
Tephrodornithidae total: 26
Terapontidae total: 27
Terebridae total: 28
Testudinidae total: 339
Tetranychidae total: 35
Tetraodontidae total: 137
Tettigoniidae total: 130
Thamnophilidae total: 785
Theaceae total: 202
Thelephoraceae total: 29
Thelypteridaceae total: 210
Theraphosidae total: 107
Theridiidae total: 108
Thomisidae total: 58
Thraupidae total: 1191
Threskiornithidae total: 211
Thripidae total: 66
Thuidiaceae total: 44
Thylacinidae total: 41
Thymelaeaceae total: 185
Thyropteridae total: 54
Timaliidae total: 111
Tinamidae total: 207
Tortricidae total: 191
Toxopneustidae total: 39
Trapeliaceae total: 26
Triakidae total: 69
Trichechidae total: 130
Trichiuridae total: 29
Tricholomataceae total: 111
Trichomycteridae total: 118
Triglidae total: 59
Trionychidae total: 73
Triozidae total: 31
Tripterygiidae total: 45
Trochilidae total: 2472
Troglodytidae total: 515
Trogonidae total: 444
Tropaeolaceae total: 62
Tropidophiidae total: 31
Tropiduridae total: 247
Tuberaceae total: 53
Turdidae total: 354
Turneraceae total: 51
Typhaceae total: 190
Typhlopidae total: 94
Tyrannidae total: 1653
Tytonidae total: 136
Ulmaceae total: 209
Ulvaceae total: 75
Unionidae total: 238
Urotrygonidae total: 46
Ursidae total: 1685
Urticaceae total: 449
Varanidae total: 189
Varunidae total: 118
Velloziaceae total: 72
Veneridae total: 109
Verbenaceae total: 727
Verrucariaceae total: 64
Vespertilionidae total: 2622
Vespidae total: 304
Viduidae total: 28
Violaceae total: 285
Viperidae total: 2822
Vireonidae total: 322
Vitaceae total: 408
Viverridae total: 125
Vochysiaceae total: 82
Vombatidae total: 35
Winteraceae total: 72
Woodsiaceae total: 42
Xanthidae total: 28
Xantusiidae total: 176
Xylariaceae total: 59
Xyridaceae total: 32
Zamiaceae total: 420
Zingiberaceae total: 866
Zoarcidae total: 34
Zosteraceae total: 170
Zosteropidae total: 100
Zygaenidae total: 79
Zygophyllaceae total: 629
Acarosporales total: 30
Accipitriformes total: 3428
Acipenseriformes total: 97
Acorales total: 29
Actiniaria total: 171
Adapedonta total: 46
Afrosoricida total: 30
Agaricales total: 993
Albuliformes total: 28
Alcyonacea total: 147
Alismatales total: 2602
Amphinomida total: 35
Amphipoda total: 304
Anguilliformes total: 575
Anseriformes total: 1913
Anthoathecata total: 87
Anura total: 11891
Apiales total: 3310
Aplousobranchia total: 135
Apodiformes total: 2740
Apterygiformes total: 288
Aquifoliales total: 419
Araneae total: 1131
Architaenioglossa total: 196
Arcida total: 115
Arecales total: 3447
Arthoniales total: 233
Artiodactyla total: 4498
Asparagales total: 11683
Asterales total: 15291
Atheriniformes total: 197
Aulopiformes total: 173
Austrobaileyales total: 143
Baeomycetales total: 39
Bangiales total: 53
Batrachoidiformes total: 92
Beloniformes total: 240
Berberidopsidales total: 29
Beryciformes total: 72
Blattodea total: 124
Boletales total: 136
Bonnemaisoniales total: 33
Boraginales total: 1169
Brassicales total: 4799
Bryales total: 237
Bryopsidales total: 236
Bucerotiformes total: 230
Buxales total: 112
Calanoida total: 338
Camarodonta total: 113
Candelariales total: 45
Canellales total: 113
Cantharellales total: 51
Capnodiales total: 56
Caprimulgiformes total: 316
Carcharhiniformes total: 817
Cardiida total: 59
Cardiida total: 286
Carnivora total: 13448
Caryophyllales total: 10839
Casuariiformes total: 32
Caudata total: 2982
Celastrales total: 449
Cephalaspidea total: 52
Ceramiales total: 176
Ceratophyllales total: 38
Cetacea total: 1794
Characiformes total: 1040
Charadriiformes total: 2277
Charales total: 47
Cheilostomatida total: 163
Chimaeriformes total: 31
Chiroptera total: 8789
Chloranthales total: 180
Chroococcales total: 33
Ciconiiformes total: 254
Cingulata total: 557
Clupeiformes total: 546
Clypeasteroida total: 27
Coleoptera total: 61
Coleoptera total: 5912
Collembola total: 80
Columbiformes total: 887
Commelinales total: 527
Coraciiformes total: 422
Corallinales total: 68
Cornales total: 677
Crassiclitellata total: 92
Crocodylia total: 626
Crossosomatales total: 133
Cuculiformes total: 369
Cucurbitales total: 1086
Cyatheales total: 577
Cycadales total: 523
Cycloneritimorpha total: 74
Cyclopoida total: 98
Cypriniformes total: 1521
Cyprinodontiformes total: 813
Dasyuromorphia total: 164
Decapoda total: 2036
Dendrochirotida total: 33
Dermaptera total: 26
Diadematoida total: 36
Diaporthales total: 44
Dicranales total: 255
Dictyotales total: 45
Didelphimorphia total: 1112
Dilleniales total: 62
Dinosauria total: 82
Dioscoreales total: 358
Diplostraca total: 80
Diprotodontia total: 533
Dipsacales total: 1554
Diptera total: 2943
Ectocarpales total: 47
Elopiformes total: 56
Ephedrales total: 292
Ephemeroptera total: 116
Equisetales total: 243
Ericales total: 5473
Erinaceomorpha total: 124
Erysiphales total: 55
Escalloniales total: 96
Esociformes total: 218
Eunicida total: 63
Fabales total: 14560
Fagales total: 5843
Falconiformes total: 761
Fissidentales total: 39
Forcipulatida total: 54
Fucales total: 361
Funariales total: 45
Gadiformes total: 478
Galliformes total: 2819
Garryales total: 35
Gasterosteiformes total: 45
Gaviiformes total: 61
Gelidiales total: 36
Gentianales total: 5133
Geraniales total: 455
Gigartinales total: 127
Ginkgoales total: 60
Gleicheniales total: 84
Gnetales total: 26
Gobiesociformes total: 98
Gracilariales total: 36
Grimmiales total: 127
Gruiformes total: 842
Gunnerales total: 67
Gymnophiona total: 139
Gymnotiformes total: 89
Halymeniales total: 43
Haplosclerida total: 39
Haplotaxida total: 40
Harpacticoida total: 46
Helotiales total: 197
Hemiptera total: 1731
Hexanchiformes total: 27
Hygrophila total: 147
Hymenochaetales total: 80
Hymenophyllales total: 166
Hymenoptera total: 7005
Hypnales total: 527
Hypocreales total: 94
Hyracoidea total: 38
Icacinales total: 110
Isoetales total: 198
Isopoda total: 155
Isoptera total: 93
Ixodida total: 416
Jungermanniales total: 306
Lagomorpha total: 1477
Lamiales total: 12280
Laminariales total: 320
Lamniformes total: 300
Lampriformes total: 33
Laurales total: 1886
Lecanorales total: 1031
Lepidoptera total: 7371
Lepisosteiformes total: 45
Leptothecata total: 70
Leucodontales total: 77
Liceales total: 51
Lichinales total: 29
Liliales total: 1108
Littorinimorpha total: 379
Lobata total: 29
Lophiiformes total: 195
Lucinida total: 62
Lycopodiales total: 284
Macroscelidea total: 38
Magnoliales total: 1886
Malpighiales total: 7903
Malvales total: 4020
Mantodea total: 117
Marattiales total: 37
Marchantiales total: 67
Mecoptera total: 85
Megaloptera total: 77
Mesostigmata total: 51
Metzgeriales total: 28
Microbiotheria total: 39
Miliolida total: 39
Monotremata total: 106
Mugiliformes total: 181
Musophagiformes total: 51
Myctophiformes total: 251
Myida total: 189
Myliobatiformes total: 444
Myopsida total: 47
Myrtales total: 5270
Mysida total: 55
Mytilida total: 210
Myxiniformes total: 30
Neogastropoda total: 28
Neogastropoda total: 342
Neuroptera total: 169
Nuculanida total: 26
Nudibranchia total: 142
Nymphaeales total: 262
Octopoda total: 100
Odonata total: 1270
Oegopsida total: 74
Ophidiiformes total: 236
Ophioglossales total: 329
Ophiurida total: 52
Opiliones total: 47
Orectolobiformes total: 201
Orthoptera total: 758
Orthotrichales total: 82
Osmeriformes total: 206
Osmundales total: 62
Osteoglossiformes total: 65
Ostreida total: 140
Ostropales total: 72
Otidiformes total: 56
Oxalidales total: 610
Pandanales total: 160
Passeriformes total: 18670
Paucituberculata total: 64
Paxillosida total: 45
Pectinida total: 210
Pedunculata total: 33
Pelecaniformes total: 1067
Peltigerales total: 188
Pennatulacea total: 31
Peramelemorphia total: 80
Perciformes total: 7594
Perissodactyla total: 787
Peronosporales total: 98
Pertusariales total: 106
Petromyzontiformes total: 105
Pezizales total: 178
Phaethontiformes total: 31
Phasmida total: 65
Phlebobranchia total: 68
Phoenicopteriformes total: 127
Pholidota total: 86
Phyllodocida total: 168
Physarales total: 37
Piciformes total: 1629
Picramniales total: 29
Pilosa total: 758
Pinales total: 8050
Piperales total: 573
Plagiorchiida total: 31
Plecoptera total: 121
Pleosporales total: 89
Pleuronectiformes total: 462
Poales total: 18161
Podicipediformes total: 225
Podocopida total: 35
Poecilosclerida total: 43
Polydesmida total: 39
Polypodiales total: 3446
Polyporales total: 171
Polytrichales total: 58
Porellales total: 83
Pottiales total: 205
Primates total: 3180
Proboscidea total: 492
Procellariiformes total: 452
Prostigmata total: 89
Proteales total: 832
Psilotales total: 72
Psittaciformes total: 2314
Psocodea total: 49
Pteroclidiformes total: 28
Pucciniales total: 135
Rajiformes total: 305
Ranunculales total: 2548
Rheiformes total: 43
Rhinopristiformes total: 103
Rodentia total: 10107
Rosales total: 7635
Rotaliida total: 30
Russulales total: 198
Sabellida total: 165
Sacoglossa total: 62
Salmoniformes total: 626
Salviniales total: 422
Santalales total: 681
Sapindales total: 5220
Sarcoptiformes total: 40
Saxifragales total: 1879
Schizaeales total: 130
Scleractinia total: 813
Scolopendromorpha total: 48
Scorpaeniformes total: 669
Scorpiones total: 224
Selaginellales total: 537
Semaeostomeae total: 47
Sepiida total: 27
Sessilia total: 98
Siluriformes total: 1491
Siphonaptera total: 134
Siphonophorae total: 41
Sirenia total: 219
Solanales total: 3897
Soricomorpha total: 1115
Sphaeropleales total: 27
Sphagnales total: 99
Sphenisciformes total: 324
Spionida total: 68
Squaliformes total: 162
Squamata total: 18408
Squatiniformes total: 42
Stephanoberyciformes total: 36
Stolidobranchia total: 158
Stomatopoda total: 30
Stomiiformes total: 259
Strigiformes total: 1313
Struthioniformes total: 73
Stylommatophora total: 967
Suberitida total: 28
Suliformes total: 358
Synbranchiformes total: 66
Syngnathiformes total: 377
Systellommatophora total: 68
Tanaidacea total: 34
Teloschistales total: 429
Terebellida total: 63
Testudines total: 2319
Tetraodontiformes total: 445
Thecosomata total: 29
Thelephorales total: 38
Thysanoptera total: 139
Tinamiformes total: 212
Torpediniformes total: 68
Trichiales total: 65
Trichoptera total: 321
Trogoniformes total: 449
Ulvales total: 85
Unionida total: 280
Valvatida total: 127
Venerida total: 267
Verrucariales total: 68
Vitales total: 419
Xylariales total: 82
Zingiberales total: 1554
Zygnematales total: 36
Zygophyllales total: 646
Actinopterygii total: 20177
Adenophorea total: 28
Agaricomycetes total: 1753
Amphibia total: 16022
Anthocerotopsida total: 29
Anthozoa total: 1230
Arachnida total: 2196
Arthoniomycetes total: 238
Ascidiacea total: 380
Asteroidea total: 259
Aves total: 48648
Bacillariophyceae total: 72
Bacillariophyceae total: 179
Bangiophyceae total: 54
Bivalvia total: 59
Bivalvia total: 2002
Branchiopoda total: 102
Bryopsida total: 1718
Cephalaspidomorphi total: 108
Cephalopoda total: 281
Cestoda total: 36
Charophyceae total: 47
Chilopoda total: 125
Chlorophyceae total: 40
Clitellata total: 188
Cubozoa total: 26
Cyanophyceae total: 46
Cycadopsida total: 532
Demospongiae total: 229
Dinophyceae total: 57
Dinophyceae total: 57
Diplopoda total: 159
Dothideomycetes total: 214
Echinoidea total: 240
Elasmobranchii total: 2625
Entognatha total: 95
Equisetopsida total: 250
Eurotiomycetes total: 122
Florideophyceae total: 589
Gammaproteobacteria total: 53
Gastropoda total: 28
Gastropoda total: 2716
Ginkgoopsida total: 69
Globothalamea total: 32
Gnetopsida total: 349
Gymnolaemata total: 178
Hexanauplia total: 499
Holocephali total: 71
Holothuroidea total: 92
Hydrozoa total: 249
Insecta total: 28892
Jungermanniopsida total: 439
Lecanoromycetes total: 1969
Leotiomycetes total: 269
Lichinomycetes total: 32
Liliopsida total: 39715
Lycopodiopsida total: 1038
Magnoliopsida total: 131029
Malacostraca total: 2726
Mammalia total: 50740
Marattiopsida total: 63
Marchantiopsida total: 79
Maxillopoda total: 168
Myxini total: 89
Myxomycetes total: 178
Ophiuroidea total: 77
Ostracoda total: 67
Peronosporea total: 114
Pezizomycetes total: 178
Phaeophyceae total: 861
Pinopsida total: 8092
Polychaeta total: 617
Polyplacophora total: 30
Polypodiopsida total: 4933
Psilotopsida total: 407
Pucciniomycetes total: 138
Reptilia total: 21941
Rhabditophora total: 43
Rhynchonellata total: 26
Sarcopterygii total: 43
Scyphozoa total: 80
Secernentea total: 85
Sordariomycetes total: 314
Sphagnopsida total: 100
Tentaculata total: 29
Trematoda total: 38
Trilobita total: 28
Tubothalamea total: 40
Turbellaria total: 53
Ulvophyceae total: 366
Zygnematophyceae total: 36
Annelida total: 829
Anthocerotophyta total: 52
Arthropoda total: 61
Arthropoda total: 35502
Ascomycota total: 3409
Bacillariophyta total: 75
Basidiomycota total: 1977
Brachiopoda total: 51
Bryophyta total: 1907
Bryozoa total: 222
Charophyta total: 89
Chlorophyta total: 433
Chordata total: 161105
Cnidaria total: 1624
Ctenophora total: 36
Cyanobacteria total: 56
Dinophyta total: 58
Echinodermata total: 774
Foraminifera total: 80
Magnoliophyta total: 184
Marchantiophyta total: 549
Mollusca total: 87
Mollusca total: 5158
Mycetozoa total: 187
Myzozoa total: 71
Nematoda total: 138
Ochrophyta total: 1086
Oomycota total: 114
Pinophyta total: 186
Platyhelminthes total: 203
Porifera total: 293
Proteobacteria total: 71
Rhodophyta total: 682
Rotifera total: 36
Tardigrada total: 26
Tracheophyta total: 187589
Animalia total: 208011
Archaea total: 37
Bacteria total: 219
Chromista total: 1441
Fungi total: 5839
Plantae total: 196763
Protozoa total: 336
Viruses total: 29
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Total downloads are calculated by rolling up all downloads below a certain level. So for example, if a user downloaded 5 different bird species in a single download, this would still count as 1 download for Aves.